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ADHD Drugs Destroy Brains Of "EVERYONE" Who Uses Them!

61 Views • 05/08/22
The Realist Philosopher
The Realist Philosopher
414 Subscribers

⁣ADHD is a fictitious disorder created to both make money for big pharma, and to destroy men. There's plenty of evidence for both these claims, if you look, and now there's even more.If you care about men, and what's been done to them, this video is a must watch.

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2 years ago

It’s a legit diagnosis. If the mom smokes, drinks coffee or does stimulants it can change the physiology of the baby’s brain. This is not the same as college students taking them as nootropics to pass a ridiculous class. This is after effects of being exposed to high levels of stimulants in utero. Can long term amphetamine use have health risks? Yeah, but so can not being able to maintain focus for more than five minutes.

The Realist Philosopher

It's actually not legit mate. You are one of those wannbe heros who thinks there's nobility in being diagnosed with what is a bogus illness, and having "survived" it, and having done something with your life is now some kind of "hero." You have not done your research. You heavily identify with this illness, and therefore it has become part of your personal identity. It would in your mind diminish you to admit to yourself that you've accepted a lie your entire life. It is not real mate. It doesn't exist. Smoking while pregnant will not cause a woman's child to have this fictitious illness. You have been duped I'm afraid.

The Realist Philosopher

The whole "smoking and using other drugs causing it" is a smoke screen, and an explanation for a non existent illness. These things can do harm of various types, but the outcome is not this bogus illness. You have not studied the symptoms of so called "ADHD." Those supposed symptoms of this fake issue are simply the traits that leaders, and other exceptional men display as children. The symptoms are actuall;y a way to identify, and neuter men who might be a problem as adults. You also don't know how biology works. You did not listen to the video. Having cancer doesn't negate the negative side effects of taking chemo, nor does being diagnosed with a real, or fictitious illness negate the negative side effects of a drug when taken. Hence, if the drug will damage adult brains, imagine what it will do to younger, less developed brains. Right, the effects will be even more prounounced, and permanent. You have proven my point for me. You are unable to think critically, or puzzle out even the smallest inconsistencies in an argument. You lack all of the mental abilities in any real abundance that a regular man would have. ADHD is not real mate, but fatherless homes, and those traits that identify an exceptional man in childhood are indeed real, and that's what they've been targeting for 60 years now. Like I said. You've been duped. I suggest you do your research, instead of falling into this Stockholm syndrome type mindset. Even the fellow who invented this farce of a non illness admitted on his death bed that he made it up for profits sake. Open your eyes mate ;)

2 years ago

@The Realist Philosopher: There are a lot of presumptions there. Trust me, I know my stuff about this area. I won’t go back and forth , because we obviously have differing opinions. But if a cardiologist or an endocrinologist said there was a problem with the function of an organ or gland, you wouldn’t chalk it off as bs. Psychiatrists have to go through med school. There is proof that attention deficit disorders are resistant to treatment because the attention span is too short to process therapy. So the drugs are used in tandem with therapy to lengthen focus time, so they can process therapy. And majority of the time, it is from a change in physiology of the brain. Mind you, it is misdiagnosed A LOT, mostly to have little boys sit still through school. But if someone is showing significant problems in retention and recall of rote information, it’s a likely cause.

The Realist Philosopher

In closing you are in denial. You also have a sort of Stockholm syndrome when it comes to this victimization you have suffered that I have seen maany, many times before. In addition your mind is full of Dogmatic teachins designed to reinforce belief in this illness, and that also have taught you to reject any possibility of it being made up. Which it is. As with all good cults, and other ideologies that are logically inconsistent the ADHD narrative has built in safe guards. You're a near perfect example of this. Anyhow, take care ;)

2 years ago

@The Realist Philosopher: ok dude. Go back to your homemade graphs and half baked assumptions.

The Realist Philosopher

@ExperimentalGroup: Ad hominem. Personal attacks are what a person spouts when they have no arguments. Pure emotion. Sophistry. This is what those drugs you take have turned you into mate. A sophist. This can be fixed, with time, and effort, but first you have to accept what the problem is before you can solve it. Nothing half baqked about that mate.

The Realist Philosopher

@ExperimentalGroup: You say you know your stuff? Anyone who knows there stuff won't feel the need to say this. Argument from authority fallacy. You won't go back and forth? Of course not. You would lose in a debate, just as you have already lost when you became personal. You wonb't go back and forth because you cannot. Also, to say we have differeng opinions is a false conflation, as I have facts. Facts are not opinions. As for your saying a cardiologist , and having heart problems is akin to a fake illness that has never been proven to exist, well that's another false conflation. There is no tests for ADHD. It wholly contrived from an authority argument. Yes, psychiatrists go thro9ugh medical school, and they are "told" that a set of symptoms means ADHD exists. The mental health field is largely about controlling people mate, and choosing what is normal, and abnormal in the public sphere. There is no proof this illness exists. None. Attention span in some boys is less so because concentation is a laerned skill, and some boys have higher testosterone levels, and higher IQ's than others. Meaning they have a more difficult time sitting still, and concentating. Also, American public education is designed around girls needs, not mens. The syustem if gynocentric to begin with, and thrusts female behavioral norms onto boys. Men need a father to teach them these skills. Focus, and concentration are learned behaviors. I see you are moving the goal post, and ignoring everything I said, whilst also claiming presumptions, but not saying what they are. You haven't made any arguments. You don't know how to think. You are an ideological regurgitator. You wouldn't know how to debate me if you tried. You are all ad hominems, false conflations, and arguments from authority, with some sophistry thrown in. Nice try though ;)

The Realist Philosopher

@ExperimentalGroup: Also mate, saying that Psychiatrists have to go through med school, so whatever they say about mental health is correct, well that's absurd. Scientists lie all the time for ideological reasons, or simply for money. Many are misguided, and cling to cherry picked evidence, while others still believe things based on no evidence at all. ADHD has zero empirical evidence to prove it exists. Let me repeat. ADHD has zero evidence that would be accepted by any scientist of note to prove it exists. Zero. It is diagnosed by a short list of supposed symptoms, and if you have those symtpoms, then they say you have it. There's no test which can be done to proof you have it. It's merely observational, and based on a supposed list of symptoms "created" by the creator of the of the dignosis who, on his death bed admitted he made it up for money. That alone should give you pause, but instead you go through numerous mental gymnastics, so as to cling to your beliefs. That's sad mate. You should at the very least be thinking twice. To not do so shows extreme bias on your part.

The Realist Philosopher

@ExperimentalGroup: Also, let me point out a glaring disparity that completely invalidates your own argument as to causation. If this illness is real, and is indeed caused, at least in part by the use of stimulants by parents, women, during pregnancy then why is it only men who are diagnosed? If this is indeed a cause, along with other environmental factors, then why is the illness almost exclusively diagnosed in men? I mean really, have you ever, in your entire life met a woman who was diagnosed with ADHD? I haven't. It's almost 100% exclusively male. What, are women's brains that different from men's that they "don't" also develop this issue in response to environmenal factors duing pregnancy? Don't you also find it odd that the very same behaviors that supposedly define this issue are almost all possessed by males, and that the school system, and teachers within it are almost always the first to identify a child with possible ADHD? A system that has been proven to be anti male, and pro female in regards to how children are treated, and taught? Doesn't that point more towards an anti male bias than some kind of disorder that from your own argument is disproven when one looks at the disparity in regards to causation? It seems like you actually don't know your stuff, but instead simply memorized a bunch of jargon that you assumed to be true because it fit into your bias, as well as your belief that arguments from authority are always true. At least when those arguments tell you what you want to hear that is. No mate, I think I have proven more than enough logical inconsistencies in your beliefs that you should at the very least be second guessing what you have believed for most of your life. That there's something wrong with you. Well, there is now, thanks to those drugs. Think about it.

Mgtow live
Mgtow live
2 years ago

They are so quick to give u a sickness to give u meds I got told I have ptsd what a joke 20 20 hit hard on there pockets now looking to make money

Mgtow live
Mgtow live
2 years ago

I'd rather be toxic then take there drugs

2 years ago


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