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After Years Of Reckless Ploughing This Modern Woman Now Wants A Good Man
• 05/16/22
213 Subscribers
After Years Of Reckless Ploughing This Modern Woman Now Wants A Good Man. Do modern women only want a nice guy after many bad boys? <br> <br>#TikTok #NiceGuy #BadBoy
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3 years ago
Dang, she is hitting The Wall early!!!
3 years ago
She's realized those guys don't actually want a relationship with her. Which guys? Abusive narcissists!
We've all met women who were with these pieces of shit. Maybe it's better for them to suffer a consequence,but the consequence should be lonliness and they'll always be a guy around every corner begging for her to spend time with him.
These women know what they're doing,they know what kind of men they are encouraging to come into their lives and......treat their friends like shit to push them away insult and fight their family members steal from everyone they spend more than 5 minutes around break their property for no reason and constantly accuse them of cheating 10 times a day when they're cheating with anything with 2 legs and a pulse.
These women clung to those men when they were young and pretty. And now NO man of worth,not just money no man who has ANY worth wants anything to do with them. And no man who has any worth wants anything to do with their hang-around ex boyfriends lurking waiting for a chance to fuck up everything!
HATE women who did this. HATE women who spent their youth this way. There's one thing that's always true,their will ALWAYS be hot young women. So there will always be someone prettier and better who has NOT wasted her youth and fertility on a lineup of the worst pieces of shit this world shit out and encouraged their fucked up behaviors!
HATE these women,they deserve it!
Don't hate all women,just hate these bitches
3 years ago
Have, a nice day.
3 years ago
First things first, don’t trust anything you hear from a female with unnatural color hair. This is compounded by if she’s white and has dreads. Her advice is a flaming paper bag filled with dog shit. Secondly, the eyes never lie. Those eyes aren’t showing gratitude, but resignation. Thirdly, remember any grade school skirmish where the class had to pick teammates. If you were picked last, you basically weren’t wanted on the team. Even if anything she said was true ( it’s not) , she would think she’s settling. But the truth is, you are.
3 years ago
3 years ago
Yup yup yup Yup yup yup - whats up whats up whats up whats up whats up whats up !