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Al Gore slammed for shocking remark about climate 'deniers'....

28 Views • 07/25/22
Drums McBashington
Drums McBashington
65 Subscribers

Why is this idiot still talking? <br>Lifted from Fox

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3 years ago

I'd like to see the footage of them setting themselves on fire. For the ones that glue themselves to things...just leave them there. Let them piss and shit themselves, and continue to leave them there. Let them dehydrate and starve. Their friends can bring them food and water, but even if they wear diapers, they will have to be changed. How many friends will help out with that? Would they be smart enough to glue themselves in a position where they can sleep? Leave them glued. It's a non-violent response to a non-violent protest.

Drums McBashington
Drums McBashington
3 years ago

Add glue. Put them in entertainingly uncomfortable positions.

3 years ago

I agree with activist lighting themselves on Fire, BUT isn't that going to effect the environment with all that PORK Smell! lol! How does the Tour de France (which is NON motorized Bicycles effecting the environment. How on earth is gluing yourself to a famous painting saving the planet when the chemicals to un glue the stupid CUNT's is made from chemical's. how is slashing SUV tires saving the environment when a fucking great Diesel tow truck has to arrive to tow the SUV's to a tire shop where tires have to keep being made to replace the one';s these idiots slash. do they know what goes into producing a tire and fitting on environmentally! lol! It's like those fucking idiots in the UK that glued themselves to Motorways and probably caused a few ton'e of pollutants to go into the air? and the UK Police stood there doing nothing and giving them cups of water so the snowflakes wouldn't melt away! lol! These are the same pricks that chasnt about Wind Farms being a better option not knowing that to start a Wind Turbine up from a standing start it takes a 7 to 8 liter Diesel truck engine to do it, WTF do they think is in the top of thosde things, a rubber band like a kiddies toy plane. Nope most of that space is taken up by a diesel Engine, only the front or crown of the turbine makes electricity. lol!

Drums McBashington
Drums McBashington
3 years ago

Haha, yep. They've been traumatized into a state of perpetual stupidity. I've got an old photo of protesters in small boats and kayaks, swarming a deep sea drilling operation. Every bit of their gear and the boats they rode in on: byproducts of the petroleum industry. Their brilliance shines through. ear to the next.

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