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Alex Jones And RFK Jr. Agree: SSRI Drugs Are The Real Cause
• 07/01/23
140 Subscribers
Alex Jones And RFK Jr. Agree: SSRI Drugs Are The Real Cause Of Mass Shootings
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2 years ago
Well, thick thighs saves lives. If and that is a BIG IF, incels are the problem, assuming they are in fact shooting up schools, well, these whores should be obligated to fuck them so they do not shoot up schools, or you could just defund the FBI who is trying to assist the Cathedral to take away our guns. Now, are drugs involved. Yeah,, sure. As Jones himself said, the drugs such as atrazane is in our water turning the freaking frogs gay and apparently, Alex himself into liking tranny porn. Shouldn't have drank that water bro. BUTT, let's just blame violent video games: Men are getting married because they are playing video games. So? Attack the video games? No, men are not getting married because a lot of Western women are too entitled and basically suck. Men play video games to pass the time and the women are butthurt nobody wants their entitled asses. Get over it. Oh my, an Alt Right Gnatsi because he won't do or say what I want him to say... Fuck Off!