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Alexandra Marshall explains why she thinks wind, solar and battery power will be doomed by 2025

48 Views • 09/03/22
190 Subscribers

EV'sw and NET ZERO on the ropes yet again?

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2 years ago

Yep. We need to go to hydrogen as in the hydrogen house, completely net zero.


2 years ago

The energy conversion losses would eat up any benefit and we'd be further behind. People often don't know, or forget, that the SINGLE BIGGEST CONSUMER OF FOSSIL FUEL ENERGY on the planet, is the ZOG-U.S. armed forces. (((TPTB))) are pushing bugs, seaweed, electric cars, and making air travel so awful that we'll give it up.... all to leave the remaining oil and gas reserves for the ZOG imperial war machine.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Hydrogen house gets H2 from water using sunlight to hydrolyze or break the water H2O bond.


2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: The fewer en ergy conversion between the fuel and the work is best. Between the sunlight and the actual work done, a lot of energy is lost because so many processes have to be done. Will the output be enough to pay back the initial investment in time, materials, and work input? Probably not. When civilization collapses, we'll be rapidly rediscovering steam, coal, animal, and even human labor. Take steam energy via coal. Compared to fossil fueled machines, it takes MUCH LESS time, materials, and manpower to go from coal to useful work. We won't be able to operate the higher forms of energy in a hundred years or so. If the oil isn't gone by then, the knowledge will certainly be gone by then. Pretty much all the usuable uranium has been mined and that energy repository will be exhausted in a century or less. Nuclear power plants CAN BE DONE SAFELY but, the political will to overpower incompetence and the greed for maximum profits won't happen. We will only get ONE CHANCE to make nuclear power stave off Dark Ages 2.0 and you can be sure that wil be squandered.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Perhaps. Nuclear power will not be used because it works best. I would bet your Jew World Order the Satanic Rothchilds caused Three Mile Island and that Japanese one-- the one that is still leaking mercury into the ocean now today, just to scare us off nuclear. I do believe we are not the only species to use nuclear or "civilization" on earth for that matter. I believe there is evidence it was used in the distant past. They want power: We Americans have been held hostage economically by them because the Boomers were too busy fucking themselves up with drugs, free sex, STDs, and Bullshit feminist laws that crucify men. I truly believe MGTOW was a movement and moment these evil bastards could not predict, and it scared them. We are not slaves to our sex drive, which is why they are trying to destroy our families and children reducing them to sex driven beasts. I doubt it will work: There are two things you can never truly predict: Human Ingenuity and God of Israel or evil-- the so called "Supernatural." I remember reading an old Bible in the Book 1 of Genesis, it started off saying," God created man and God destroyed man. This was the fifth (or sixth) attempt. " I really do not remember the number, but it made sense to me at the time. I wonder now if it was a masonic Bible or if I read it in the afterlife where I now believe he Ashanti Library is (I think I spelled that correctly.) They tried to actively recruit me at least three times maybe more. But it seems to me as a wiser man, "Why would you swear your allegiance (upon a painful death if betrayed) to a Secret Society when they do not tell you what you are joining? I believe I am being black listed from gaining meaningful employment-- this may be why, but I was thinking it was the CIA or NSA. (I was thinking it was from talking shit about the outdated, retarded CIA and its operatives while in the Persian Excursion.) Anyway, good talk. Have a nice day, while we still can...


2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: In a nutshell, the JEWS regard us as SLAVES or CATTLE. The Gentiles / Goyim have NO BUSINESS enjoying a lifestyle that is above what (((THEY))) think we should have. (((TPTB))) have been working for 40+ years to get us out of the air. General Aviation was once the pinnacle of the American Way of Life. GA was destroyed by JEW LAWYERS who sued the GA manufacturers out of that business. Then the JEWS started running hijacking to introduce airport security. Then we had the Ultimate Inside Job of 9/11 to introduce the TSA and make travel so miserable that we will eventually stop flying. The PLAN-demic pretty much finished off air travel for the masses and now the mopping up is being done to finish off liesure air travel once and for all. That's only ONE FACET of the Jews imposing a declining living standard on us. There are many others I haven't mentioned but, you probably have seen yourself.


2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: France and Sweden did nuclear power the right way back in the day. They each came up with one good design and made them all the same. That is important because an engineer or tech who works in one plant can easily go to another. Maintenance costs can be kept down because the plants are all the same and parts can be bought in volume for a cheaper price. In ZOG-U.S. every single fucking clusterfuck nuclear power plant is a ONE OF A KIND. Every one requires special training and an engineer just can't be moved to another plant without being trained all over again. Parts are expensive as hell because they are UNIQUE to that plant. You pay full fucking price for everything because you have to get things made individually. No volume discount pricing!

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: So, different companies built their own design or did local states throw a hissy fit over the project? If the air thing is true, I believe it. We almost had the covertaible car-airplane that nearly went into pruction. We still are White Westerners, granted some of our kids have been groomed, fucked, ruined, and forced sterilized via chemisal castration, hormonql therap, BS vegatarian "controlled" starvation lifestyle, and poisoned food with over of anitbiotics, soy added, and the estrogen analogues in the water with the feminine pill "run off" that turned the Frogs gay and Alex Jones into liking tranny porn. AJ, you should have drank that water!

2 years ago

We White men with our Souls intact: The world is our playground and there are way too may borders and coastlines for the, to patrol or control let alone monitor even with fleets of drones.


2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: When Whites are free to be White and enforce our own living spaces, then external forces to patrol internal affairs won't be necessary. First order of business is to repeal the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and take down the entire civil rights death star that grew up around it. We were a hell of a lot FREER before the Civil Rights Act than we are now!

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: As I was just telling Keeper on another post, We men aern't we? (from Men's Highlights Daily) We solve problems: That's what we do... I do find it intersting now tha we Whie Men are not the smartest, but we are the most capable logistically since we like conquered this world ad made it our bitch never letting the sun not shine upo White men's empires. I think the Synagogue of Satan will learn one day soon-- you don't mess with White people, especially our with our kids. Ask Japan...


2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: As History is revisted and de-Jewified, we were in the wrong for provoking Japan and meddling in their affairs. The History we were taught in school was pure Jewish bullshit. What has been the long term outcome of our domination of Japan? Jewish poisoning of a once great civilization. Oddly enough, our atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki didn't destroy Japan. The REAL destruction came long after the war in the form of JEW FEMINISM. A slow poisoning of the Japanese population with something worse than radiation, mere occupation, or wreckage from bombing. It's one thing to conquer a country in war. History is O.K. with that. What is NOT O.K. is that we helped DEMON JEWS denegrate a worthy race into something pathetic and we're getting a double dose of Jew Mind Virus. Take a look at this. It will explain a lot of why Japan is the way it is today.


2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: Jews have been messing with Whites since Brown v Board of Education. Whites are spiritually crippled by JEWdeo-Xtianity (formerly known as Christianity). Doesn't matter what Christianity USED to be, many generations ago. All that matters is that it is full of JEW FILTH. It is mongrelized, tolerant of evil, and just rotten through and through. Even if we could return to the old strident Faith of Our Fathers and Onward Christian Soldiers, the JEW MIND VIRUS would still be buried inside and would germinate inside White congregations once again.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Perhaps, but the Truth can not be buried for too long. The Lod our God of Idrael commands demons and their horde to tell us the Truth: We just need to listen and recognize. THey use subtke "magick" or low level "spells," which is usually psychological tricks or hypntism. All we have to do is counter that and learn to break their "enchantments." I believe my deaths have freed me from these "spells" unless I choose to lie to myself and ctively believe the lie. Apparently, women can not do that and if they do wake up, the vast majority can not admite that because they would be evil then! Oh MY!.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Perhaps, you forget the strentgth of White People. If it's infected like say gangrene, we just cut it off. We have always been a modern society taking in what works and booting what doesn't. After Brandon's failurres, their huge undeniable theft of Orange Man's re-election, and the now terrorist activities against White Europeans, bro-- they called us a sleeping giant for a reason. Now, these Jew Satanic whores have awaken us. You have not seem anything yet. We invented History...and Philosophy,.. and Freedom itself. Nobody on earth had a greater love of Freedom than us Westerners. Times are definitely a changing and these Jews had pissed off the wrong the ethnic group. If Blacks though their "Christian" slave holders were bad, wait until they see what we unleash upon these serpents and Synagogue of Satan Jews. MGTOW was just aresponse: Their inability to leave us alone with bear many fruits of consequences and their Jew World Oder will die as a dream. We broke Japan: We can rebuild them ironically "better." It is very likely we have a few hundred year left in us The Roman Empire lasted two thousand years, the last half was as Turks. I would say we got this, but let's see what the next two and a half years do starting with our Midterms... That will be the first sign of many to follow. Don't forget it was White men who conquerd Israel and the Synagogue of Satan multiple times: The White pharoahs of Egypt, the Babylonians, Was it the Syrians who demolished Judea?, the Romans twice-- their Synangogue and Mossad, and the Christian in general-- their only mistake is letting the Jews be their bankers... that brought us Hitler, who now is starting to look like a Saint if it was not for all the dark arts he employed. Let's remind them why they were wise to death us White Westerners. Least us not forget Russian, which is both White and Asian. They are still butthurt over Communism that the Satanic Jew sold them on. We Westerners are the only ones holding Russia back. It may look bleak now: That is what these Satanists are counting on, but things are not that bad now and we have a very strong chance of preventing that. Their main power is to scare you to get you into disbelief and shock making you more vulnerable. Sure, they killed off their sheeple and wellfare sponges with the fake vax and broke virus (fucking Chinese people-- you can not get slaves to perform at the level of Freedom loving Westerners!) Human Ingenuity will be these Satanic Jews' downfall: We White Westerners got plenty to spare. That's why we are capable.

2 years ago

damn- didn't think it was that long. Thank's I guess for triggering my free writing. I have been out of full practice using my full creativity the last few years: Those of you on have trigger its resurrection. Thanks!


2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: hehehe... I'm honored to be your gym trainer! I'll get you going on rhetorical reps over and over again. Each time your technique gets better but, there's always plenty of room for improvement. Then I'll throw on another pair of plates with something that gets you going again. You're getting stronger but, I've seen JEWS in comment sections and (((THEY))) are masters of sophistry, red herrings, and the smoothest lies you ever read. THAT is what I'm getting you ready for!

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