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All Men Treat Me Like A Princess! Says Single Woman, So Who Is The Red Flag
• 06/19/23
213 Subscribers
All Men Treat Me Like A Princess! Says Single Woman So Who Is The Red Flag <br>#modernwoman #narcissism #catlady
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1 year ago
this is her tiktok
2 years ago
The West is doomed. The Jews made our females their primary vector of attack decades ago, & now the girls are spoiled for purpose. Spoiled also means rotten & therefor poisonous. The Amish may pull one out under the line, but the rest of us will suffer harridans that have a body count of 50 before they even reach Age of Consent. That and Social Media have men here on this site getting informed & choosing to not buy the lotto ticket.
2 years ago
Lying cunts as always .Men who fucked them treated them like shit .
2 years ago
2 years ago
And yet all the other men who treated you as a princess before has either discarded you or you discarded them. So you don't value being treated as a princess. Or you're lying about being treated as a princess. Either way. She's garbage.