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Amber Heard's 'BPD' Should Be A Lesson To All Men
• 04/27/22
213 Subscribers
Amber Heard's 'BPD' Should Be A Lesson To All Men <br> <br>My diagnosis <br> <br>#AmberHeard #JohnnyDepp #GoneGirl
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3 years ago
Amber shitting the bed was the final straw for Johnny Depp. If Johnny was a violent husband, her, to his mind, deliberately shitting in the marital bed, definitely would've earned her a hell of a beating. Has she alleged any beating due to Turdgate? So she felt safe and protected enough to perpetrate such an outrageous, disgusting and provocative act as shitting the marital bed. Her actions ARE a clear declaration from her that she is in no way the victim of domestic abuse! I don't know why more people aren't making more of this obvious fact.
3 years ago
I broke 5 years of living a MGTOW lifestyle because I fell in love with a woman 20 yrs younger than me (48-28). Not too long after I was deep in the relationship her BPD starts to kick in. At first, she told me it was just depression. It's not, it's far, far worse. One minute they love you, then they want to end the relationship, then they come back crying. There were periods when she was zombie like, which was visible to all our friends. I was deeply involved in her therapy and treatment unfortunately, it doesn't make a difference. Since it's an emotional disorder no matter how much progress or commitment a woman with BPD puts out, the next day all that gets wiped away. BPD occurs many times in women who were raped in childhood. This relationship was the most draining time of my life. When she was good she was perfect, after that it's all frustrating, illogical behavior. It took a toll on me. I honestly recommend all men to walk away no matter how good things are when the woman is behaving normally. This is a mentally deranged human being who may not be curable. If it is possible to cure them, it's going to require a female family member to act as a life coach and therapist liaison because any male romantic partner will be pushed away (and pulled back) repeatedly.
YOU CAN'T FIX THEM OR HELP THEM. YOU CAN ONLY GET HURT. WALK AWAY, DON'T GET INVESTED. I should have followed my MGTOW instincts. She was the love of my life and MY BIGGEST MISTAKE. Stay MGTOW, fuck whores, love your pets and you'll be happy.
3 years ago
Look up the symptoms or characteristics of BPD, then look at women in general, Tik Tok, YouTube, daily life, and you will see that there is so much undiagnosed cases out there that the world literally appears to have gone insane. DBT is often recommended, and I knew several instructors for DBT (which is also useful for treating PTSD). The instructors often describe BPD as 'typical female behavior' and in most classes the m/f ration for treatment (DBT is a group and one on one combo treatment approach) you get something like 15-23 women to 2 men.
Risky sexual behavior, drama, violence extreme emotional instability; seriously, look up BPD and you've found the manual for modern women. Oddest part is that it's gotten more prevalent over the last 15 years.
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
Amber is crazy ALL women are crazy. That's all there is to it.
3 years ago
females shit the bed when given power.