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America Is Quickly Turning Gay & Woke - MGTOW

356 Views • 05/05/22
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⁣Sponsor Link: <br>- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia <br>- <br>- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off <br> <br>LGBT Identification Rises to 5.6% in Latest U.S. Estimate <br> <br> <br>Fall of Roman Empire caused by widespread homosexuality <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from James. He didn't give me a topic so I wanted to discuss what's going on with an article I put in the description called &quot;LGBT Identification Rises to 5.6% in Latest U.S. Estimate.&quot; from back in February of 2021. At first that doesn't really seem like all that much until you start going through pole results based on demographics. Sure it's almost doubled over the last nine or ten years but this second graphic will show you there's more beneath the surface. Almost 16 percent of Zoomers identify as LGBT. Millenials it's 9%, Gen X just 3.8%. Boomer 2% and traditionalists 1.3 percent. Those born before 1946. So what is going on? Why is each generation roughly doubling the number of LGBT peopl? What does that mean in another two generations if the trend holds and 60% of people in the youngest generation identify as LGBT? People are attacking Disney for going woke and bring in gender and sexual politics. But I can guarantee you that they are paying attention to the demographic trends and if 50% + of the people visiting their theme parks and consuming their products are sexually liberated then they have to adapt and get ahead of the curve. Something doesn't add up. I keep hearing that the zoomers are the most conservative generation since the 1930s and 1940s. But is that really the case when the great generation only saw 1.3% of them identify as LGBTQ today? Maybe they are gay conservatives. Maybe the gallup pole should have also asked that question? I think it's an important one. There are lot of gay conservatives in soyciety lately. Dave Rubin and Peter Theil come to mind. Jeffrey Jones the author of this article says that he's dating a trans woman and that he would never tell his grandfather because he would lose it. So why are we seeing the doubling of the LGBTQLMNOP community from one generation to the next? Is it a strictly cultural thing or is it because of a drop in men's testosterone levels? It's not just Disney that's paying attention to this trend. Recently I became aware of the Cracker Jack company that makes caramel coated popcorn and peanuts in a bag launching a new brand called Cracker Jill to celebrate women in sports. The Frito Lay company has now officially gone woke. The new lyrics are buy me some peanuts and cracker Jill no one can stop you if you have the will. Let's root let's root for the girls team. Luckily I don't watch sports ball or eat junk food anymore. Anyways, I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection Part 2: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Video Background Credits: <br>Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by &quot;;

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14 Comments sort Sort By
2 years ago

Not to worry Sandman, The Jab will begin its mass killing soon, so America won't be gay. It will be dead. Traditionalism will reemerge. You know, because most gays are leftoids that have taken the jab.

2 years ago

Though that is part of the plan, I'm not necessarily sure that will have our Utopia even when that happens. You see the government all around the world have emboldened themselves with this, they plan on killing off most of the world's population, they want to keep the numbers under 500 million so they're easier to control, they've been planning this for decades, I know men going their own way of been talking about this for a decade now, but though we are correct that the vast majority of the world's population will die, the governments of the world have other plans for the remaining, that's when they will start ruling as a one world government, and we will be nothing against them. We will essentially be slaves because our numbers will be so low, that is essentially what the great reset entails. That dystopian nightmare will be the future of who will survive, it won't be a revolution of society like we all want to believe. The people in control whom are corrupt, control all facets of our lives, even the conflicts between those who we believe to be on our side are nothing but theater. They have us beat.

2 years ago

@Penisy: Yes, ultimately they want 500 million, but there are things that will interrupt that plan. They will press ahead with all those things stated on the Georgia Guide Stones. God's plan will interrupt it as we go along. I am not beaten down, I know who wins. Ya, Ya, I know you guys all despise me because I believe in God, but that won't change what is about to take place.

2 years ago

@Duugus: I don't despise you, I understand your reasoning, I understand Revelations as well. And I believe that we are within the last days, yes I understand that in God's plan is to go on, but a lot of people are going to die because of what's going on currently. I guess what I'm saying is when it comes to mortal life, a lot of mortals will die due to the circumstances at hand, but if we're talking about eternal life after death, God's plan is definitely the one to follow. I'm not necessarily against the idea of a god, but I'm not necessarily under the idea of being godless. I just don't know simply, I have red Revelations and I've read the Bible I've talked about and contemplated this kind of stuff quite a bit, I guess I just don't have the faith that you do.

2 years ago

@Penisy: That's ok. Been doing the Christian thing for most my life. Faith is tried on a regular basis and I don't always trust. It's the sin nature. Was not trying to come across harsh.


2 years ago

the main problem is "woke feminism". when you see someone saying "woke" or complaining about "wokeness" they're really angry at "woke feminism". Woke feminism destroys everything it touches. You gotta learn to separate woke from woke feminism. Because mgtow, red pill, black pill or any awareness is technically woke. The #1 and only problem it'll ever be is the feminist version of woke. Woke feminism destroyed disney, netflix, destroyed so many businesses, destroyed television, amber heard is a woke feminist. Woke feminist are protesting abortion right now, the democrat party got destroyed by woke feminism. Every movie, commercial, magazine, advertising, television show's major theme is woke feminism. woke feminism destroyed the nuclear family, woke feminists created blm, if men started blm noone would care about it or donate to it and they'd label it a terrorist group. biden is a product of woke feminism, obama is a woke feminist. hillary clinton is a woke feminist. any business that takes on woke feminism becomes shit. woke feminism infected and destroyed will smiths career, johnny depps career. woke feminism is also the lgbtq community.

to think of it deeper, woman are more the chaotic principle so imagine if the chaotic principle was increased and put in charge and amplified. Even all the social destabilization is a by product of woke feminism because order isn't established. by their nature woman love chaos so if things are dramatic or chaotic woman are at home. woman are also more into censorship and the nwo. woke feminism has done more damage than covid and ukraine war combined.
to give one last clue, woman are ment to be more yin based meaning not projecting their energy outward like a male does. since woke feminism has so many woman projecting their energy outward ( chaos, anxiety, insecurity, confusion ) they are polluting the field with their energy. But coincidentally since there is no counter balance of male energy they are able to overload society.

to give an example if the UFC appointed a female owner and all female execs, the UFC would tank so quick. woman are just not that group of heroes and saviors they're portrayed to be. but woman can't stand the fact they're just woman and not the chosen ones. they hate being #2 when by natural law they are #2. just the presence of a non simp male makes woman so mad because since men exists this means they're #2. So they have to remove men so they can be the #1. sore losers.

but woke feminism is the #1 thing people are afraid to see and to call out. because of this factor woke feminism continues to destroy. when you see the word "woke" translate it in your head into "woke feminism".

1st wave feminism isn't even as bad as woke feminism.

2 years ago

I hope you make a speedy recovery. I was sick for a few days with something (could have been the beer bug) but rest, vitamins and the usual anti-flu medication did the trick. Hardly justification for doing away with our civil liberties.


2 years ago

We're NOT turning into faggots or going Woke. That is 100% JEW SHIT being vomited upon us 24/7. What we're seeing is the well being poisoned by the Jews and it is so bad that it's too toxic to drink from. Back in medieval times, Jews poisoned water wells. Today, Jews poison the wells of society.

The (((MEDIA))) world has turned into fags, queers, Woke, and is full of cowards, simps, and Jewish talking heads who are masters at presenting the abnormal as normal. HANG THEM ALL! Break up the six mega-corporations and make media local again. NAME THE JEW BEHIND THE SYMPTOM!

2 years ago

You feel that way because you are a introvert. I am the same way it physically drains when socializing. It becomes worse if people are rude and/or negative. Globalists promote gay to reduce the population.

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