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American Women Are Trash
• 06/19/22
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3 years ago
Fully agree. I don't trust women in america, seen far too gdm many examples of these whores being unfaithful and worst of all doing everything they can to marry then divorce rape good hard working men.
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
Bro, not only american women are trash. Even the german, turkish women in germany are also trash, believe me!
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
If Adam had gone mgtow, God would have given him another partner, Eve 2.0 or Eve 3.0. This current version of Eve is defective and she wants that Satan energy, of a seductive sensual handsome Satan or a degenerate psychopathic Satan, someone that approaches that. In paradise we will have each 7 non-Eve tailored-made women instead of off-the-rack thrift store type of women who will be naturally be inclined to stay home, not commit adultery, serve the man assigned to her with almost religious evotion, modest, chaste and eagerly wait to have sex with one.
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
Mexican women are very attractive (until the fat grenade goes off), and I tend to think getting into America is a strong motivation to win over a man from the states. Yes, American women are decadent to the point that they have ruined themselves, but female nature is female nature, and I wouldn't be so quick to trust a woman that moves as fast as he's describing. It's a trap, and it won't end well.
Keep your wits about you, my dude. More sugar conceals bitter poison.
3 years ago
3 years ago
tulum has become the stomping ground of wealthy american libtards mostly from California, along with Canadians, and various wealthy eurotrash types. A lot of them came there during the pandemic so their drug addictions would not be disrupted. A lot of these people are degenerates and they are starting to draw a lot of crime and trouble in that area and they are going to make life hard for normal people who want to escape oppressive taxes and have an easygoing lifestyle free from demonic women. Keep this in mind if you make long term plans their and consider to examine your options by reviewing what up to date information nomad capitalist has on the visa/resident programs available.
3 years ago