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Amy Horton Cheats, Is Surprised She's Single - LOL!
From my 2017 youtube channel. Posting a lot of my content from oldest to newest, so stay tuned. Other platforms I'm on, and social media links can be found below ;)
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5 years ago
They always think they got it. Regardless of their age they're always believing they can attract any man they want. When they justify to themselves and everyone else why so and so is such an awesome guy...after a while they want to throw him away and have nothing to do with him. God has it right - the heart of man is extremely wicked, who should know it. King Solomon stated not to believe a word any woman says
5 years ago
Amy Wartson...... Fuck. I mean the send up was funny / entertaining. But the subject - HER - was fucking aweful.....
5 years ago
Amy whoreton who swallow cum and have multiple incurable STD . Now she struggle to find a man after all she said on internet .SHOOOCKING