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Andrew Tate CLOSET | Black Pill @SMASHTVLIVE @BallaX2.0 @coachsoappill9326 @ManOfTomorrow

124 Views • 05/13/23
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Andrew Tate In The Closet #men #blackpill #andrewtate <br>CASH APP: <br>$cash4yoboy <br> <br>SUPER CHAT: <br> <br>ORDER A CUSTOM VIDEO OR A PRIVATE CHAT <br> <br> <br>Join The Discord To Chat Since Youtube Blocks My Replies <br> <br> <br>Shadow Banned by Youtube Check the Channel Daily, your notices no longer work <br> <br>Follow Me On Odsysee <br> <br>Follow Me On <br> <br>Email: <br>[email protected]

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2 years ago

I used to troll people on Youtube years ago by asking the same question. Dudes always responded by saying that they don't like dick and there is nothing they can think if doing with a chick who has a dick. I told them they can make out or get a blowjob. They would all say "Fuck No".

2 years ago

5 minute philosophy with Andrew tate. Wow man what a deep thinker. It's totally normal to come up with this paradigm in your mind


If he is gay, then why are you posing it as a question instead of a verifiable fact.

&quot;Andrew Tate is Gay&quot; - Vs. &quot;Is Andrew Tate Gay?&quot;

I don't give a fuck either way...... AND really it's NONE of anyone's business, except for those who pedal cheap shit gossip.
My personal opinion of him based upon my own experience - is that there are things about him that ARE worth paying attention too, but there are also things about him that are decidedly unhinged (neurotic).

I don't like the smoking and the bullshit play boy life style....

I'd rather a plough horse in harness and to be plouging fields all day, rather than being stuck in a shit box Bugatti.

Sure the cars are a superb piece of craftsmanship - but they cost so much that I can buy (I forget) 20,000 good old shit box toyota utes for the price of one of his cars, and I can go almost anywhere in them, and he is stuck on the tarmac....

You know - and anyone who flaunts their whores, their cars and their wealth is an empty shell of a human being.

Whether he fucks guys or not - I don't give a fuck - and nor should anyone else.

I despise the gossips and the rumor mongers and shit spreaders - because it's a fundamentally destructive kind of personality that does the gossiping.

All people have one of three characteristics -

1. Attitudes, ideas, and contributions that are good, useful, interesting and beneficial.
2. Things that are neither here nor there.
3. Things that are unhelpful, dishonest and destructive.

So I make my observations - come to my own conclusions and leave it at that.

As to the gender of who he fucks, I don't care.... It's non of my business.

And people who pick on him for these reasons - well fuck you too.

Amr has pointed out that he is a manufactured product of a production company, it's all stage managed bullshit.

Laying around on a big luxury yot with a bunch of sluts drinking champers and talking shit - I don't care for this life style.

Other aspects about himself appear to be true and authentic.

When I compare myself to him, what kind of an example does he set for improvment.
Well if you said I was a fat slack shit - you would be right.
He trains and keeps himself in very good shape.
I could up my own activity level by say 20% of what he does...
This would be pretty good actually - not going for a world title fight - just don't want to die young and look like shit on the way out.

So there are good things and bad things about everyone, mostly - and if I go along with this fucking crap that "Does Andrew Tate fuck other guys?" - as grounds for writing him off - which is the habit of the retarded cunts who gossip - then I miss out on ALL that Andrew Tate has to offer....

Hanson's Three Laws.
1. Do what they do.
2. Mull it over or set it aside.
3 Don't do what they do.


Speaking of EXERCISE - Your lard arsed super hero here, has to escape the computer and do shit in the real world.

Crimson Hawk
Crimson Hawk
2 years ago

Yes. Yes he is

2 years ago

Nope. The frail-minded myrmidons who repeat the tired feminist talking points of "he doesn't kowtow to us; he's GAY!" have no value in the world.

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