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Angry Karen With a Warrant Tries to Bite Officer
On June 9th, 2022, a Hinsdale police officer was serving an arrest warrant for domestic violence against her ex-husband. Shawn Mullarkey was arrested after a bit of a struggle with police officers. <br> <br>She was charged with aggravated DUI (third violation with mandatory jail time), aggravated assault, and resisting. <br> <br>A week later additional charges were filed against her for endangering the health or life of a child, violation of a bail bond, and resisting. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Inquiries: [email protected] <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>______________________ <br>About us / Disclaimer: <br> <br>Blue Watch provides police body camera footage to document officer and perpetrator interactions. <br> <br>The purpose of this footage is to show interactions between law enforcement and perpetrators not to publicly embarrass, scoff, or demean the individuals involved. Blue Watch takes responsibility to display these interactions to provide a platform for public disclosure and police training.
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2 years ago
What an entitled bitch, you can tell she's one of these fembots that think she is above the law , that everyone needs to bow to their demands
2 years ago
Soon thet will just have to start using tranquilizer guns to take these subhumans down. They cause too much trouble. Just tranq em and let them wake up at the station strapped to a chair.
2 years ago
2 years ago
they will not watch the kids, and they do not fucking care...
frankly, i hope she sues and wins...
PoS cops and a stupid whore...
cops stealing is normal too btw.
2 years ago
actually, it is illegal for a police officer to do that...
they have to show the warrant before they can make an arrest, period.
she might be a bitch/whore, but the supposed cop is a complete piece of shit and completely ignores law and procedure.
2 years ago
She looks like a nasty cunt!
2 years ago
2 years ago