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AngryMormon & KEEPER podcast

37 Views • 02/19/23
371 Subscribers

The first ever podcast I did with anybody, sorry about my clearing my throat so God damn often, I eat shit that just gets stuck in my throat I have to constantly fucking clear it.

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KEEPER 2 years ago  

So I was recording this, while talking to a dude by the name of angry Mormon, a phantom on Discord, and I was told to record him but angry vegan cyclist.

Problem is when I was recording I had the shittiest software available as I was using two separate phones to do this conversation, and the recording software I had is kind of a piece of shit, and it was recording things in segments, and the other segments I accidentally fucking destroyed in the middle of trying to transfer them to my SD card, I don't know how the fuck they got destroyed, one of them survived though, so there's going to be a lot of out of context shit in here.

But otherwise enjoy this shit show.

Depending on your views in this community, you'll probably love it or hate it, because I bring up some criticisms that are real and some of you might disagree with, which is perfectly fine.

But I'm releasing it anyway, because there is some good shit in there.

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2 years ago

Holy audio quality batman.

2 years ago

That's the problem I have when I don't have my PC, and also recording straight from two separate phones, he edited the audio to make it sound a little better, but it's still pretty bad.


A for effort, but what is the point of the discussion?

2 years ago

He's frustrated with a lot if stuff, we all have similar options on stuff, I wish the first half of our discussion didn't get destroyed by me butchering it and the file structure, because we had some really cool stuff to talk about, unfortunately this is all that survived. I know it's kind of retarded. But we talked about all kinds of stuff anything from spiritual stuff to stuff about the Book of Mormon and we both had the similar upbringing in the church, I know this isn't really important for you guys in this space, but you know I thought just maybe you guys maybe would want to hear about it, whatever the discussion might be, anyway he wants me to be on a podcast with him on a regular basis, I don't know if I can do that, I hate how much I clear my damn throat in this video, it's mostly because the flow of conversation I'm just super open with, but I probably should have used push to talk and Discord it would have cleared up a lot of my annoying clearing throat issue. But anyway he's really really of the belief of the spiritual aspects and the message when it comes to the Book of Mormon and even some of the history, but him and I have started seeing in modern day that the church isn't what it once was the people that are currently there are folding two very communist ideals and structure, to the point where you can't freely discuss these things, anyway I like to bring up all kinds of crap, because I'm one of those people who likes to bring up both possible viewpoints on a topic, so he is the more of the Miracle spiritual aspect of God in heaven and all that stuff, and I brought up stuff like aliens LOL, I can't help it I love talking about that kind of stuff, unfortunately that part of the audio is not here so you didn't get to hear that. Anyway he edited the video for me kind of cleaned up the audio a bit, cuz it was truly crap because I was recording it on another phone with a phone, but I mean it kind of sounds better than what it was before he edited the video.


@KEEPER: You need to work to a written script - title - purpose of discussion. Points to raise through out the discussion. (arguements for and against / other sources of FACT based opinions etc) One of the things I despise about most religions is that there are fundametal things that are true... i.e. you jump off a big cliff, you die. Then there are things that you are told to accept as true, simply because others have told you it was true........ e.g. "Oh Jesus would want us to be doing this, Jesus would be wanting us to be doing that" ---- OK, "You have only to ask for it in my name and it shall be given unto you" + "I am the apha and the omega - beginning and end of time etc." + "Born unto eternal life" - OK the JEW cult was only invented by scam artists 3100 years ago.... OK..... They stole by bylaws of babylon (The code of Hammurubi) and wrote them up as the "We the priest said, our diety said" as the major components of the first 6 or 8 of the first 11 books of the old testament - so the jew cult is based upon plagarisim..... So mythical jesus with his non existent father was alledgedly getting killed, he came back to life (he is a mythical jewish zombie) who soon afterwards, ascended to heaven - by flying up into the sky until he dissappeared out of sight past the clouds - like 2000 years before space rated rockets were built..... AND now he lives in a magical kingdom in low earth orbit.... Yeah right.... IF non existent Jesus was actually an eternal being, and he walked amongst us, his chosen people.... then you could always put it on the other person who claims by brainwashing, to know what Jesus would say for us to do, by telling them, "Why don't you ASK HIM to appear and give us his teachings?" - and then watch the profundity of this basic logic fuck up in their brains.... As far as Jesus ever turning up for a cup of tea and a good chat - well fuck me - it's NEVER happened...


The Collapse of Mormonism: Why Millions Are No Longer Mormons

2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: it was obviously more to it than just what's in that video, but most definitely what said from various different people can be true. See the other dude originally had the name MGTOW Mormon conspiracy theorist, because he still believes in the scripture material, but he believes that the church has been infiltrated by those who are leading it to ruin or leading the congregation to a path that it wasn't meant to go. He's also showed me a lot of evidence in that direction, stuff that I didn't even know, and I kind of walked away from the church about a decade ago, I mean I still have family members that are in the religion, and they're good people, but I think the latest generation that are taking over every other industry in the world that we in this community talk about quite often, when it comes to the Communists or in my country the leftists, they're roughly the same people just like how the name communism keeps changing the name, but it does the same shit over and over. Anyway, he's been wanting to do a podcast with somebody about this for a while, I was a little convenient because I was curious by his name as I found him on discord, and I didn't expect him to be with this viewpoint, but of course Mike curiosity of what his beliefs were was what I wanted to hear, but we don't just talk about that, we talked about all kinds of shit LOL and we both cuss like sailors, so we're not holier then thou, we're not trying to be super religious or anything, but he really firmly believes in a lot of these things, which is his right, but I don't know LOL, for me it's just a ride I like hanging out with him on in these conversations, they're all unscripted, mostly just cuz I'm lazy as shit, and we kind of talk about all kinds of crap.


@KEEPER: Nooo I posted a rhetorical question, I didn't ask you for an answer - all the details I put it to you that most people are time poor and it's really important to deliver a structured and cohesive product. They don't have time for endless rambling, I don't have time for it. AND if your going to deliver a product - make it a lot more structured and cohesive..... Collaborate to produce a high enough quality product that serves a purpose and "educates them". - Rambling is OK but air time if valuable time and you need to consider the relative usefulness of your broadcast and the time it takes to listen to i...

2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I get you, well we're just starting out we sound stupid and I agree LOL. I honestly don't know this is going to turn into, he wants to preach his gospel which is cool whatever, and I just want to chat with them, but I guess you're right if we wanted to turn into anything which probably won't, we're just trying it out. To be honest with you, we probably won't have that much material. I mean for the last few days we've had a shitload of material, but all of it was wasted on some files that didn't exactly survive the transfer. I don't know man, it was kind of cool though being on Angry vegan cyclists show. He's a cool dude,


@KEEPER: No where did I say stupid - if your going to make a product for the market - make it a product that the market wants. That they will listen too, learn from and prove to be useful, and want to come back to you for more of it. One of the good things about AA is doing a written inventory.... An assement, a record, a matter of issues. It's actually quite easy. 1. Write up a list of subjects that you both want to talk about.... 2. under each heading or on each page write up a list of chapters... the strong points, and 3. Under each chapter, write details in point form, that are based upon or reflect upon the strong points. e.g 1. Cows. 2. Anatomy of Cows. = bones, skin, flesh, internal organs etc.. and 3. What is so good about all the bits and how can they be put to good use.... Then you can write veritable encyclopedias on each subject... Bone = broth, bone meal for gardens, burned bone = calcium oxide = making porcelain like bone china, etc... Flesh = meats and pet foods and all that... Recipies.. Then you get cheeses, yogurts, milk, FOOD ROCESSING etc.. then you get Skin = leather and all of it's uses from boiled leather to make armor and gelatin and shoes, gloves etc., AND all of this leads into food sciences, veterinary, dairy, pasture maintenance, irrigation, cow shit = a huge science, cattle for towing wagons, ploughing etc...

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