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Anti-right wing protests grip Paris
Hundreds march on the streets of Paris to condemn the rhetoric from the country's right-wing, which they claim is hateful and racist.
Freedom over censorship, truth over narrative.
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3 years ago
It is truly a marvel of modern brainwashing when people can see the symptoms of the Jew Mind Virus, flaunted in their faces, and yet cannot connect the (((DOTS))).
Lance a festering oozing boil on the body-politic and you'll find JEWS feeding the infection. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. PERIOD.
3 years ago
Brain-Dead Liberals. RT, why give publicity to a few hundred Brain-Dead, Soy Boy, Marxist, Idiots in a City with 2.2 Million People??? Lenin called these Protesters "Useful Idiots". How true!!!
3 years ago