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Are Modern Women All Cheaters?
Intro 0:00 <br>Show Starts: 15:05 <br> <br>Fragrance of the Night/Monologue: 19:55 & 21:01 The Godfather asks "are modern women cheaters?" <br> <br>Money World???: 55:29 <br> <br>First Caller: 58:48 32y/o woman says she cheated on her ex-husband multiple times because of trauma? The Godfather investigates ?. <br> <br>Second Caller: 1:26:20 says she cheated on her ex-husband and then got cheated on? ? <br> <br>The Godfather speaks summarizes the show & speaks to men, women 1:35:32 <br> <br>End of Show/Preview of Future shows: 1:41:39
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