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Are Things Really That Bad in the US?

54 Views • 03/28/22
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3 years ago

It is WORSE than what you think. We've been given five or more decades to slowly get acclimated to the Jew World Order but, about 20 years ago, the JEWS uncloaked themselves and (((THEY))) are making a mad dash for the finish line. By (((DESIGN))), the global Zionist crime cartels are encouraging the 3rd World to dump their human waste onto the West. Especially on ZOG Canada and ZOG America. WHY?

The ZIONIST JEWS have their investments in the 3rd World where they expect big and fast ROIs. (((THEY))) create exotic financial instruments that anticipate these huge ROIs and borrow against that paper long before the first blood diamond is harvested or pallet of heroin is shipped out. The cost of investing is very low and the payoff for political bribery is very high. Neither the Jews nor the mud people need to repeat the amazing Industrial Revolution that Whitey invented and built up over the past 200 years. The mud people are comfortable living like animals and amazing profits can be made on just their primitive labor alone. Value can be extracted and manufactured but, the wealth doesn't have to be distributed to the workers. (((TPTB))) steal it all. If the 3rd World can dump their useless eaters onto the West, then that will free up the remaining productive elements to extract the greatest profits for the banksters.

Exhibit "A" was the murder of Muammar Gaddaffi and clearing the way for millions of niggers to flood up through Libya and into White Europe. Prior to that, it is also WHY CHINA'S ONE CHILD POLICY WAS IMPOSED. Fewer births and families meant fewer resources tied up in them. That meant more labor power and resources went to the banksters.

Why did the Jews deindustrialize the West?

The (((NEOCONS))) AND (((NEOLIBERALS))) deindustrlialized the West because they HATED paying 1st World wages and HATED supporting 1st World populations with our higher standards of living. It doesn't matter that WE, the evil Straight White Man, invented the industrial power and everything that went with it. The JEWS, by financial tricks, grift, graft, bribery, blackmail, and other Jewish tricks, stole it all and offshored it. Mainly to the Corporate Promised Land of China. But, China has been sending some of its low-skill work to various countries in Africa. WHY? Even China and SE Asia are experiencing material prosperity and the people are starting to enjoy their relative prosperity a bit too much for the banksters' tastes! The banksters told China to send work to Africa, where it can be done even cheaper.

The West has been gutted out and cannot carry any more debt. Education has been worthless for decades now. Why support quality public education when there is no future for the Goyim? As bad as things are now, the POTENTIAL for everything to go FERAL is what should make you call for TOTAL SHOAH. It's going down but, DON'T GO DOWN WITHOUT MAKING (((THEM))) PAY!!!

3 years ago

I know a couple [former] Canadian acquaintances who saw how bad Canada was getting and foresaw how bad it would get and so 6 to 9 months ago relocated to Mexico. Each likes it and reports doing well, saying to research out a quiet area and then [of course!] don't do anything that gets near the cartels. In general, if you leave the cartels alone, they leave you alone. This is only what I hear; while I trust the sources keep in mind, of course, I cannot be 100%.

3 years ago

At least their cartel doesn’t pretend to be a government.


3 years ago

Mexico is improving because (((TPTB))) have deliberately incentivized them to send their useless eaters north. This is done to improve the creditworthiness of Mexican bonds. The less human dead weight they're carrying, the better the financial paper performs. Of course, NOBODY talks about the incalculable damage being done to WHITE AMERICA. Because the Goyim don't matter, dontcha know, and we don't matter because we're more interested in sports, personal pronouns, and who slapped who in Hollywood.! THERE IS ONLY *ONE* WAY OUT NOW....

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