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Are We Being Manipulated On The War With Ukraine?
• 02/28/22
371 Subscribers
are we being manipulated to see what our media want us to see?
because i got to be honest with you guys, this guy makes a shit load of sense in this video.
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are we being manipulated to see what our media want us to see in Ukraine?
because i got to be honest with you guys, this guy makes a shit load of sense in this video.
yeah i know he speaks as an effeminate male, but everything he says makes a shit load of sense.
we live within a world where audio and video can easily be manipulated with programs that can make something look real and various other tech that is used to change the views of people on a whim and to also caretake what we are allowed to see. could this be old footage that's being used to look like it's all new footage?
what do you guys think of this video?
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
I believe you mean "Klaus" Schwab, instead of "Charles".
3 years ago
I read that Spanish (Spain) media is using video game footage (C.O.D. perhaps?) while "reporting" the Russian "invasion".
3 years ago
I'll give him this...he's compelling!