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Are Working Women Slaves That Think They Are Free? - MGTOW

232 Views • 08/02/21
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⁣Are Working Women Slaves That Think They Are Free? - MGTOW

Nikola Tesla Predicted Feminism - MGTOW

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

His video is brought to you by a donation from Easter Sunday and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I'm going to offer up a topic for consideration, and it's in regards to "the Hivemind". I am of the impression that human beings are evolving as we continue to use the internet. And based on the model that is used to direct traffic on social media platforms like YouTube, we are slowly but surely assuming traits as a species that are in evidence in the insect kingdom, and specifically a honeybee hierarchy. Women are being groomed into sexless worker bees in terms of choosing career over childbirth. Men are treated as drones in that our only role is to satisfy the female workers. As for the Queen, it's an AI that is designed to spit out profits for the corporate masters, and not little human larvae that can sustain the population. I am of the belief that the hierarchy is validated through likes and subscriptions. And based on human behavior, the AI has been informed that females are the preferred gender in the human race. It is consequence for women getting likes, and being validated simply because they are women and for no other reason. One could even argue that extended psycho-social conditioning in this environment is creating a dynamic in which only 1% of men will be deemed as attractive and suitable for reproduction as we continue to participate in this system. This is in accordance with a honeybee colony in which there is typically only 1 drone for every 100 workers. In addition, I also suspect this is contributing to a loss in testosterone in men. After all, if boys and men are repeatedly conditioned to think of their sexuality as sinful, evil, and toxic, why would someone turn around and seek to reproduce? I'd really like to see correlating studies in areas which do not have saturation in terms of electronics and social media. Food for thought, and one last question about MGTOW in regards to the Elite who set up this online society that will inevitably force the Calhoun Experiment to be played out in real time with human beings: The Elite have long argued that there are too many people, that the world needs to be depopulated, etc. MGTOW is loggerheads as far as feminism is concerned, but at the same time it too will contribute to a decline in birth rates. I also get a logical inconsistency with the Elite in regards to how on one hand they care about profit over all other things, yet at the same time don't really acknowledge profit losses that will come from climate change and population control mandates that they wish to implement based on diatribes like Agenda 21. So Sandman, would you care to elaborate more on this topic? Thanks for reading!" Well Easter Sunday, thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in a moment but here's today's sponsor first The Red Pill Ring:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

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4 Comments sort Sort By
3 years ago

Yep! the fefail has put itself right inside that PRISON or TRAP? They are more enslaved today than they ever were by a MAN! lol! and they see the MAN as Oppressive, but corporate or Political slavery as Freedom/ Well that's women's thinking isn't it. they get all the goodies, MEN get nothing yet the source of their fefail slavery is often Blamed on the MEN? Is it any wonder MEN are walking away in their million's every week?

The Fefail is no longer even a concern in my totally Monk lifestyle. I only see women as a source of fun and ridicule now. I don't talk to them, God forbid I would EVER help one again, and I ignore them completely. If I was asked "What was the women wearing" I couldn't even tell you anymore? Fortunately if that's the right word? The dystopian society of today is proving a good thing for MEN? MEN that is that don't buy into all the BULLSHIT like women do?

I'm now a long term MGTOW Monk and all the shit of recent month's actually on reflection has not impacted Me at all! lol! Lock down for example made me realize that I was already living like that for at least the last 35 odd years/ Life has really on reflection been the same as it's been for so long now?

To me the SHTF sometime ago and I treat life as if that was the fact? All the trappings, (and I mean trappings) of life are long gone, along with any debt, fefail intervention, and generally any of modern life's worries. I cant remember the last time I even lost my temper? Yet when it comes to the fefail? we see them getting angrier, more Mentally Unstable that at anytime I can remember? and extremely lonely, by their own doing may I add. we have generations of fefails now that don't know empathy, sharing, even asking as they DEMAND everything now? They have destroyed and killed their own femininity, they have destroyed romance and love (whatever they are)? and they wonder why MEN don't want them?

Women nhave Enslaved THEMSELVES and it's up to them to escape it? there also wont be any REAL MAN over the wall with a rope and a getaway car, they put pay to that themselves. In fact the Ball is very much in their court, MEN have and continue to leave the Game, WE are not playing stupid games we cant win anymore? Peace Gentlemen.

3 years ago

In regards to the new bill potentially coming out in your country, thinking about all the potential ways you fine tune, edit and think out your videos I don't want your vids to stop. My way to circumvent the laws would be a legal gender certificate change to either nonbinary or female but without actually medically biologically changing your gender.(can legally do that in my country Australia at least with nonbinary.

Then a step further would be very slightly changing up the content with brighter words that appear to not negatively affect women, but to anyone redpilled they'd actually understand what you mean, or you could use archaic words to describe your meaning(that would be interesting).

You could also using a VPN change the location you upload the vid at, if viable.

I'm just thinking of ways to get around the potential new law.

Moving would be the very best, but near last option for me.

3 years ago

seems like we'll go cashless in a few years, Sandman.

any advice on avoiding digital slavery?

3 years ago

The only thing I can think off is to work on building up your wealth. Purchase land, set up shop, invest into multiple crypto as it will most likely be a very big deal in the coming years. However don’t put more than what your willing to lose, and do your research! Possibly buy some gold, silver coins, try to set up your property where you are living as much renewable energy as possible. Keeper’s channel goes into that like earth ship style homes. Pretty interesting stuff. Possibly try to start up a tiny community around your property, make sure it’s away from the cities since those will be heavily enforced.

3 years ago

Just some stuff at the top of my mind. Hard stuff but doable with enough planning I think.

3 years ago

@eldrazi317: make sure you have a way to grow your own food. We will be suffering a food shortage globally, same with energy.


3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

Ah wanna team up lol, I had a very similar idea that could be used to set up a community in Africa somewhere, where you could educate and raise many (but not all) of the poories into a workforce. P.s I couldn't figure out the right words to make this sound better lol. I'm not thinking slavery because that shit socks, but rather you take in all the young homeless that aren't drug fucked and you educate /house them, then at a certain age as a part of their education you teach them what the choose as work. After a certain age through work they pay off however much it costed to raise/house them then they can either go off into the world their own way or they can continue to support the community/developing society. That's like one of my goals for later in life but the first step is developing a system to finance this endeavour.

3 years ago

@Vandetta: I think having a basic education would be best, then move into something useful like skilled work as an apprentice under a ‘master’. However such a method would require skilled workers in hand, to teach, and have the apprentices learn on the job. I’ve found pure theoretical teaching to be a waste of time since their mind is not truly processing the knowledge, and as such the students’s brain will delete the data for other useless pleasure based shit due to the knowledge not being actively being used.

3 years ago

Therefore I’d consider use the guise of a corporation to protect your community. In the past many corporations created housing for its employees.

3 years ago

And they for the time being provide great benefits such as tax wise and legal wise. Though that can vary from country to country.

3 years ago

And from the sounds of it they’d not be slaves... but subjects. A kin to an internal kingdom within an empire.

3 years ago

@eldrazi317: these are just some thoughts. Use them as you will XD


3 years ago

"Arbeit macht frei" (Work frees you) the Germans said ...

3 years ago

At Auschwitz no less. what a terrible analogy to the death of western society.

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