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Are You Ready to leave the Matrix
• 08/06/23
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2 years ago
Black Pill gets us all and is brutal truth however not best for Long term whereas Red Pill is better in longterm all round.
At the end of the day color's or pills mean nothing all that matters at the end of the day except for truth and total brutal honest truth.
Stay Truthful Stay Sharp and Stay out of the slavery Godbless you and Godspeed brother \G/
2 years ago
What is your advice on collecting rain water as most nowadays are filled with acid or chemicals like you said, and maybe cannot filter all of them out so I just wanted to know what is your best alternative to collect store and hide clean rain water away from neighbors and thieves snitches and have a decent 6 month supply of water for drinking and basic needs.
Thanks and any advice you give is appreciated brother and keep doing you and keep being busy God knows I'd rather be busy like you if my health allows and better to be busy and independent and sane than stuck at home with not much to do and alone with your thoughts that's a hard place to be in believe me.
2 years ago
DMT you say if it helps open up my mind and betters my health then I'm all for it better than all these fake chemical side effect doctors for paychecks.
I'm with you and can't be around most people these days as they all vanish when hard times come round and the first to rat or snitch you out if it benefits them.
2 years ago
I like your technique for going to the supermarket however since I don't grow my own food and some canned food has junk already put into it and not great to begin with that means I have to rely on government supermarkets for basics like milk, dairy, cheese, meat and so on. Sucks
I would more than anything love to be in better health and be more financially independent than rely on or be in debt to these sewer scumbags
2 years ago
I'm grateful for your outside nature videos thank you very much brother
87 GBP for parks is a rip off then again I like your saying I found it late like an Indian discovering Fire haha I like the sound of that.
I wish I was I'm currently not in a position to get out of the matrix no matter how much I want to, I wish and hope I was and sucks that I am not.
I would ideally want to be out of the western country I am already in and be in a country with skills to help others and survive God willing that will Happen and God will make it happen.
Stay Sharp RPOS and Keep giving them Hell. Fuck the Matrix and its corrupt fuckers