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Artist Kendrick Gray - American Artist
Kendrick Gray is an American artist. His ability to capture realism is phenomenal and his skill is undisputed. <br> <br>He tells us how he hot into art and about his case as well. <br> <br>He is available for hire and can be contacted here: Kendrick Gray #274813 <br>Staton Correctional Facility <br>2690 Marion Spillway Road <br>Elmore Alabama 36025 <br> <br>Find out more about him and his case here: <br> <br> <br> <br>#prisonriotradio #freeartistkendrickgray #innocent #interviews #artist #sketching #artclass #buyart #sketch #realstory
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2 years ago
I talk to this man on occassion he got screwed over by the system and getting to know him on a good friendly basis he deserves a much needed second chance at life.
2 years ago