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Assassin's Creed Rogue (The Movie)

19 Views • 02/12/22
371 Subscribers

Assassin's Creed Rogue's story edited into a movie, in glorious 4K!

Sorry about the wait, here's my movie of Assassin's Creed Rogue! I originally planned to release this earlier this year, but when I was done with my Unity movie, I was a little fatigued with Assassin's Creed and needed to move onto something else, so I did Shadow of Mordor, and then felt like I needed to get my Arkham Knight movie out as soon as possible, so that came next. After that I had to take a short break to play MGS5, and that game took longer than I thought to beat, so by the time that was done, there just wasn't enough time to complete this one before Syndicate's release like I originally planned.

For those of you who may be unfamiliar with my work, the goal is to take the story of a game, and present it in movie form, so that everybody cn enjoy the story, whether they play games or not. Even if you've played the game, you usually play the game over several days. By the end of your play time, you will probably have forgotten many of the early story details. By watching the whole thing from start to end on a movie, you can get a much better picture of the story as a whole, as it all stays fresh in your mind. Then of course if you don't play games, or didn't play this particular game, this allows you to enjoy the story without needing to play the game. Although of course, I do recommend playing any game that I turn into the movie if possible.

Obviously the focus of the story is in the cutscenes, but I can't only show the cutscenes, because a good portion of the story is told through the gameplay. I try to keep gameplay to the minimum necessary for telling the story, preventing plot holes, and maintaining a good flow. I also try to reduce what I refer to as "gameplay indicators", in other words, the stuff you see on screen that makes it obvious you're watching a game and not a hollywood movie. Thankfully the Assassin's Creed games allow me to disable most of that stuff, but some things remain. I tried to remove as much of the remaining things as possible (like most of the autosave notifications). I created 75 visual effects shots to accomplish this, in addition to some editing tricks.

Thankfully I've been playing Assassin's Creed Syndicate, and it seems that they've done a lot to the autosave indicator to make it less obvious and less common as well, so when I finally get to working on that one, it shouldn't take as long. That being said, Syndicate won't be my next movie. While waiting for Arkham Knight on PC to run better, I started recording footage from The Order 1886, and I recorded and edited a third of that game, so I will return to working on that and finishing that next (after I have a short break to catch up on some games I haven't finished recently)

So next is The Order 1886, then AC Syndicate, and then most likely Uncharted 4. Although if The Order takes me a long time to complete, I may do Uncharted 4 before Syndicate. Right now though I don't think it will be too bad.

Let me know what you think, and as always, if you liked the movie, support the developers by buying the game. If you want to support my channel, I recommend getting a Youtube Red subscription, as views from there are worth a lot more than any ads could give me. Otherwise, there is a donation button on my channel page. The more money I get from this channel, the less I have to work at my other job, which means more free time to work on movies :)

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