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@AustonHolleman is Making A Huge Mistake In Nairobi Kenya #kenya #passportbros #nairobi
• 06/04/23
921 Subscribers
@AustonHolleman is Making A Huge Mistake In Nairobi Kenya
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Not my video. I am showing you that other people with eyes to see and ears to hear along with a brain to think with are picking up on this malignant narcissist and his shenanigans. Please sub to the creator here:
2 years ago
Ya, hes saying basic, common-sense shit. Auston also did some dumb shit in Asia that no one is talking about. If any of US went to these places and did what Austin has done, we would get the living shit beaten out of us. *THIS* is what frustrates me about him and nothing else. His 'Luck' stat is extremely HIGH. I really want to hate him for such high levels of luck, but I cant...
2 years ago
Smart man!
2 years ago
Sounds like this dude is "Making Friends And Influencing People"... Not. He's about to be red pilled in the worst way. He may not make it out alive if he keeps up this crap. LMAO!
2 years ago
2 years ago
Hmmm So Holleman is fucking up all over the place.
I kind of think that one decent relationship is more than enough.
2 years ago
This passport bro is a dusty.. like he gets pu$$y overseas lol