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AUSTRALIA THE LAST DAY "LURNPA" 10the Oct 2023 - The Voice The Deception

25 Views • 10/15/23

David Cole &amp;quot;LURNPA&amp;quot; <br> <br>10th Oct 2023 <br>The Voice The Deception <br> <br>The Voice is nothing more than a contract so the corporation impersonating a government can secure access to our resources so they can join the BRICS and continue to steal our minerals to prop up their fraudulent system it's all deception fraud and an attempt to contract the Sovereign Tribes in order to steal our resources and govern the Sovereigns and 27 million Australians, it's a trap. <br> <br>AUSTRALIA &amp;quot;UNDRIP&amp;quot; <br>THE “VOICE” Will Be Used for the &amp;quot;AUSTRALIAN CORPORATION&amp;quot; and The UN Control of Property. <br> <br> <br>THE WARNING OF &amp;quot;UNDRIP&amp;quot; (THE VOICE) UNVEILED <br> <br> <br>CANADA &amp;quot;UNDRIP&amp;quot; <br>DIABO AND SAGANASH DEBATE &amp;quot;UNDRIP&amp;quot; BILL: A BAD LAW OR A SMALL STEP FORWARD? | NATION TO NATION <br>

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