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Barbie Movie Lover Says I’m Not a Feminist Because I Believe Women Are Greater Than Men

56 Views • 08/06/23
135 Subscribers

Woman give her opinion on why women should dump their boyfriends if they refuse to see the Barbie movie. Says women are greater than men. Modern Dating is confusing for men and women. Our videos are made for educational purposes. <br> <br>Support Our Channel: <br>Paypal: <br> <br> <br>​Patreon: <br> <br> <br>“We Men Ain’t We” T-shirts <br> <br> <br>Links video: <br>

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2 years ago

ok, I get the strong impression that this movie and all the consequences that come from it are a psyop. CIA was one of the biggest contributors to the movie industry in decades gone by, to control the way the population thinks. This Barbie movie looks like just another example of that. Now the destruction of society is the agenda, so destroy the family, so destroy relationships. And the sheeple follow it without second thoughts.
Target achieved.


Oh fuck - 14 seconds into this video and it' just that fucking RETARDED SHIT from the FEMINIST ECHO CHAMBER, from another fucking RETARDED WOMAN.

"Oh the patriarchy - blah, blah, blah, (I am so entitled) blah, blah, blah"

Fuck I have had my gut full of dumb cunts for today.

Wait until Ms Entitled and Priveliged - cops a real dose of oppression and fight for life circumstances.... and it's enduring and most of her friends and kids and all that - just fucking die.....

Then watch Ms Knob Job for a Scrap - change her privelidged position.

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