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Becoming A MGTOW Has 3 Stages

351 Views • 08/06/20
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Reignite: Transform from Burned Out to On Fire

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Becoming a True MGTOW has 3 Stages

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Brian. He didn't send me a specific topic so what I've decided to do is cover a reddit post called: "Becoming a True MGTOW has 3 Stages" Here's what someone named JetLeg26 has to say in his post: "I've always thought I was a MGTOW. But in reality I was still transitioning (lol). Just like those m2f trans that are wearing lipstick and a wig, but still didn't cut off their ding dong or took hormones yet. I think that there are 3 stages to become truly independent. You first acknowledge MGTOW. In this stage you think there is some reality to it, but you don't really give it any further thought. In this you might be blue-pilled or even red-pilled, but you think about it as "meh". For me it was 3-4 years ago. You get burned by women, and accept MGTOW and the harsh reality of this clown world. You understand that MGTOW is the right way for your future. I think that it takes a while to get this stage. The sad truth is that only women can "teach" you this stage. You must experience it first-hand from being burned by them. You can't read about it on the internet or from friends. Slowly but surely, you become a MGTOW. You work on your life goals, focus on yourself in reality instead of on paper. You truly don't care about women and work on a better version of yourself. You keep improving basically until you die. I'm somewhere between the 2nd and the 3rd stage. What do you think brothers?" Well JetLeg26 thanks for the topic and thank you Brian for the donation and for making it happen. But before I cover the 3 stages of becoming a man going his own way let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Reignite: Anyways, now back to the video. Just to recap the three stages the 1st stage for me lasted about 3-4 month period from July 2013 to October 2013 when innitially took the red pill and reality sank right into my head and that's when the conscious mind accepts female nature. That's when you start going through the red pill rage. The 2nd stage is about the subconscious acceptance of women by dating them and getting into relationships and apply the red pill knowledge that you've learned. This I've coined as the red pill rage stage 2.0. That took a period of time to happen. From October 2013 until I was finally done with dating and relationships altogether in February of 2016. Then you have the 3rd stage
which is for me when I gave myself permission to live and enjoy my life which for me by hitting the road and travelling the way that I've always wanted. It was clear I couldn't travel with women or friends and see even a tiny portion of what I wanted. So I literally hit the road and drove away my own way. I'm living and making the choices that I want to make and it's liberating but it took two different angry phases or stages before you finally get there. Jeg Leg you're right about stage 2 in that you have to experience things first hand and let women effect you emotionally for you to fully go your own way. It's almost like the story of the caterpillar and butterfly. The two fight each other cocoon and the Butterfly cells win and consume the caterpillar ones. Only women can teach you this stage. Absolutely correct.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Sponsor Ad Photo Credits:

1. Excited man in fighting gesture with fists on fire. Rage concept. Heated fight.

2. Angry woman judging someone

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4 Comments sort Sort By
5 years ago

Nothing beats experience. The experience of going from Blue Pilled worshiping "Queens", to Red Pilled AWALT...That saved me money, stress, and my health.

scott sanger
scott sanger
5 years ago

ALL you can do is to provide the TRUTH about females and the dangers thereof ....

scott sanger
scott sanger
5 years ago

once MEN can perfect the feeling of the female p-sleeve. via sex dolls or other means....... females will be on borrowed up will be the artificial incubator for babies.......... once this is COMPLETED . females will die out due to natural selection.......... females should be VERY AFRAID.


i actually had 2 prototypes for the artificial womb and would like to finish the project we mgtows should create works unions and work toghether on that endevour




i never had to join mgtow that hard way and i am forever grateful that i learnt this info in the soft way

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