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Behold 'FDS' Female Dating Strategy BS For Modern Women
• 05/11/22
213 Subscribers
Behold 'FDS' Female Dating Strategy BS For Modern Women. FDS means Female Dating Strategy. <br> <br>#TikTok #WTF #Feminism
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3 years ago
What does this mean in plain English?
The price is going up for the same used shit.
If women want to be 'high value' and treated like queens, why don't they start with having SOME values ( other than unrealistic expectations) and not being the town port-a-pot. Like geez, even the white plastic toilet seat is stained and you want someone to treat it with respect? Get the fuggouttahere.
If you wanna be a trollop, be a trollop. If you wanna be a queen, be a queen. But don't send mixed signals and get pissed because someone remembered you were a skank yesterday but you wanted to be a virgin today.
This is the problem with the modern female. She thinks she is high value simply because. It's magical thinking. For men,we see it all as bullshit because we know there is a laundry list of prerequisites for us to be seen as eligible.
3 years ago
Like how Skeletor is being utilized more often, and strategically.