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Bible Black Pt. 11: What Are You Doing With That Wine Bottle?
• 06/02/22
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3 years ago
OK, this is getting unrealistic. Orgy at lunch at the school, swimsuits cut or ripped open, and screaming through the walls? Plot wise, ok whatever. I rather see the scenes before he passed out. I still have this feeling all of them are going to die except Minase and Inaui? His chidhood girlfriend's body with the witch nurse inside her. I kind of hope Saeki survives, but I am guessing plot wise, the trade requires a lot of souls for the power; sex for your soul, the price you did not know you would pay. That feels realistic! Satanists require victims for sacrifice. Are the swim team girls there too? i do not mind the captain and side bitch dying: Don't judge me-- Karma's a bitch. I hope their victim lives, the one Minase fucked. With that I can see the thug gangs getting their dues. Good game video. I might get a copy after I back some Comics Gaters. Did you see the video from RGE where he mentioned Fiendish and its author? I was thinking about you and your comic reviews. She was fucked over by DC I think it was just for talking to Ethan van Sciver. I Hope she succeeds: Fiendish was her personal dream project. On her first chapter she made a tier for wood burned sketch plaques. I was wondering if she would let you review it like Bladedevil and Lost Pages 2, which I watched on Bitchute. Guess I could ask her via IndieGoGo, and I would be willing to scan it if need be for you and her. I bought a new work toy from IGG, a new camera scanner like at the library. I had not played with it yet. I was planning on buying a new desk and rebuilding my desktop with a Dell refurbished. I think this year I will finish some writing projects and self-publish them. So, who knows maybe I could join CG next year !I need to work on my podcasting and OBS skills! If I do, you can totally do a review video. God knows we all could use some extra money right now!
3 years ago