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Bible Black Pt. 11: What Are You Doing With That Wine Bottle?

73 Views • 06/02/22
Grim Lord's Games & Rants
Grim Lord's Games & Rants
263 Subscribers

Game: Bible Black

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3 years ago

OK, this is getting unrealistic. Orgy at lunch at the school, swimsuits cut or ripped open, and screaming through the walls? Plot wise, ok whatever. I rather see the scenes before he passed out. I still have this feeling all of them are going to die except Minase and Inaui? His chidhood girlfriend's body with the witch nurse inside her. I kind of hope Saeki survives, but I am guessing plot wise, the trade requires a lot of souls for the power; sex for your soul, the price you did not know you would pay. That feels realistic! Satanists require victims for sacrifice. Are the swim team girls there too? i do not mind the captain and side bitch dying: Don't judge me-- Karma's a bitch. I hope their victim lives, the one Minase fucked. With that I can see the thug gangs getting their dues. Good game video. I might get a copy after I back some Comics Gaters. Did you see the video from RGE where he mentioned Fiendish and its author? I was thinking about you and your comic reviews. She was fucked over by DC I think it was just for talking to Ethan van Sciver. I Hope she succeeds: Fiendish was her personal dream project. On her first chapter she made a tier for wood burned sketch plaques. I was wondering if she would let you review it like Bladedevil and Lost Pages 2, which I watched on Bitchute. Guess I could ask her via IndieGoGo, and I would be willing to scan it if need be for you and her. I bought a new work toy from IGG, a new camera scanner like at the library. I had not played with it yet. I was planning on buying a new desk and rebuilding my desktop with a Dell refurbished. I think this year I will finish some writing projects and self-publish them. So, who knows maybe I could join CG next year !I need to work on my podcasting and OBS skills! If I do, you can totally do a review video. God knows we all could use some extra money right now!

Grim Lord's Games & Rants

Absolutely, this all sounds great and I'm down! Definitely go ahead and ask her, I'm here to support all independent comics which is why we do no Marvel or DC works. Just indie stuff. I know Sandman got re-released on Black Label, but it's always Vertigo for me.

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