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Biden Responds To 'F**k Joe Biden' Signs In Michigan
• 10/07/21
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3 years ago
He hasn't sniff a child in the morning so he's sleepy all day
3 years ago
Hey bro, if you are comming to Europe, drop by Zurich, we can meet up, I am looking to buy to some land in Eastern Europe aswell (preferably Ukraine since the girls are hot, and it is poor as shit)
3 years ago
He got 81 million votes alright, but not many people were involved in casting them. Lie, cheat, steal every time with these fraudsters. Keep the voting postal (midnight dumps preferably), and asking for an ID is racist because black folks can't handle the things that whitey can apparently? Unbelievable hubris from this puppet crony.
3 years ago
Unless his butt's been wiped, Biden can't hear you.