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Biden To Heal The Planet - Again
• 05/22/21
Drums McBashington
65 Subscribers
Tony Heller
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4 years ago
Biden couldn't heal a boil on his ass! lol! I thought George "Dubya" was dumb but this freak is ultra retarded! lol! well I would laugh out loud if it wasn't so fucking serious to us all? They are fucking with our survival with lie's just for money? that say's it all really?
4 years ago
Climate Change is about as real as Covid 19. or Lady Blah blah Being a virgin! It's a brainwashing exercise to make Money and nothing else? In UK history way back in I think it was the 16th Century they had the same weather we have today and someone took the time to right it down back them. This is proof that Global Warming being created by MAN is a LIE. If Global Warning is REAL who is producing it? I would say it's the corporations that create it in production then pass the blame on to us when we are dumb enough to by their shitty so called poluting product?
If there is one thing I have learned through lock down and all this health/virus masquerade is I no longer trust politic' or corporations and I have no intention of buying their product where possible from now on? not because of the Climate, the Earth will take care of itself even if it destroys us the parasites? Nope I'm avoiding all the corporate shit because they are simple Lying deceptive ASSHOLES.
4 years ago
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