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Bill Gates' Marriage Crashed Like Vista | Grunt Speak Highlights
His relationship with Jeffrey Epstein might have cost Bill Gates $65 billion.
#gruntspeaklive #billgates #gatesdivorce
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4 years ago
65 billion... for that money i can hire the Clintons to make it look like she had an accident
4 years ago
HEY ! what the heck happened ? tuesday and thursday didn't get the show...
4 years ago
Linux. Winning!
4 years ago
Windows and Apple both stole the OS, OS called known as CP/M., they have to pay a certain percent per dollar , I think it is 10 cents to the dollar
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
Bill Gates - He stole the OS from some guy and he stole the GUI idea from Steve Jobs..... AND for the years of my life spent on debugging his shitty software - I'd like to break his nose.
Malware scans, Defragging, the slowly growing "swap files" on the hard drive - till it choked, the fucking lazy and shitty programming that sucked up all resources - just to run (when Linux only used 5% of what Windows uses to do the same stuff)..... Looking for updates for the OLDER OS, and getting fucked around until oblivion by the cunts in Mircorsoft.... and their labarynthmic easy update system..... Fuck Bill Gates and Microsoft for EVERYTHING.