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Black Women Empowerment: Shaniqua & Your Bastards (Lil Thugz)
• 04/28/21
フクロウ Fukuro
596 Subscribers
victims of society ... Really? or rather, victims of themselves ...
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E é assim que mulheres destroem sociedades. Pervertendo e destruindo a inocência de uma criança. Futuros criminosos sexuais.
4 years ago
The classification on description is very addictive.
"Pets and animals" HAHAHAHAHAHHA
4 years ago
I observe that in most cases "the woman to love is in the history books", but any exposure to modernity would corrupt that flower of ages past. The "Thot" process here is OWF (Oh What-the Fuck).
4 years ago
And AMS(AlphaMaleStrategies) and his Subs are lusting after these ''women''...
4 years ago
oh, sorry i was talking of the front black and white pic of poor black ppl , then i pressed play and i was looking for my flame thrower
4 years ago
looks like some incest initiative
4 years ago