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Blackpill-5 YOF - 5 Years of Freedom needs a swinger's club

32 Views • 06/22/22
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2 years ago

Whoree maxxer thinks MGTOW are all talk. He clearly is a sex addict and does not understand MGTOW. Just because he wants to stick his dick in an orifice of a different random prostitute does not mean we all want to do that. And it has its own set of risks: disease, jail, robbery, etc. That is ultimately nothing but masturbation using a whore. When have MGTOW ever said that was our goal? Obviously if you want a whore you can get one. Go move to a third world country where they are cheap, even cheaper than Mexico, if that's how you want to live.

2 years ago

I just think women can only love and lust after Satan, whether the charming, and handsome Satan, or the psychopathic, degenerate Satan right now in the era of woman.

2 years ago

Being a adult talent producer or escort hobbyist, you are in God mode. Being a swinger or dating whether through apps or social events, it's always a gamble like winning the lottery you have to jester and sacrifice lots of time and drink lots of energy drinks to be bubbly or calm. The only thing is that in swinging it might be a little more straightforward than dating or social-circle maxing. Unfortunately swinger women will not behave like homosexuals because they are still programmed as women. Many swinger women at least in the swinger apps look washed up like straight out of listcrawler and too trashy for my taste. I might go check out just out of curiosity the local swingers club and the entrance fee is expensive but whatever. Escorting is like sleeping in a hotel room while swinging is like staying in a hostel.

2 years ago

I understand your figure of speech per se, but it is best to leave god out of this, man can never be god, and this sick scenario we are facing as men in the modern world is a sick creation of modern man. God wants man to be fruitful and multiply in a healthy way, but if your destiny is ultimately to raise a prostitute or raise a whoremonger with no better alternative, then we as men need to use out free will and intellect to determine the cause and make a correction and usurp the tyrants that seek to destroy mankind with this sick arrangement. god is here testing us, he wants us to do right. We are here now observing this problem and we must determine a way to correct this, going to a sodomite club is not going to solve anything except for a momentary relief like a heroin addict. Soon enough whoremaxxer will inject more unknown laboratory chemicals into his body and need to quench his lust again

2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: excellent point

2 years ago

unreal. suggesting to share a woman with another man to indulge some strange cuckold perversion is about as gynocentric as you can get. Paying to enter some sausagefest cuck shed to get sloppy seconds from some washed up 304 is pretty gynocentric simp behavior. It is far more masculine to suggest what 5YOF suggests, a return to a traditional patriarchal society, although I do agree the window has past for a political solution, and the only way I can think to solve this without warfare is for men to drop out, ghost in plain sight, mgtow, etc. I don't even think this cuckhold thing existed 5 years ago it must be that it has somehow become mainstream to brainwash men that this is a good thing to do because of the demographic problem and the fact the men severely outnumber women in the west, especially when you exclude the women above age 35. I think this is why the media is trying to blast young men with propaganda to become gay, trans, soyboy, etc because it helps lower the sausagefest a few notches down. The behavior you are recommending is essentially supporting female driven polyamory and is helping further cement female control over western society. Its sad that it is come to this for you and I really hope you can recover your senses man.

2 years ago

Good high iq post

2 years ago

It's either all patriarchy or matriarchy. The social contract between the sexes has been broken. I don't know about you but we still have power by gaining practical technical skills or licenses to increase our income double or triple and after the war of work and study is over, enjoy the spoils of war, that is paying to fuck beautiful women and enjoying the decline

2 years ago

@EscortRhinoPill: I hear you and concur for the most part but we need to work together to not do what whoremaxxer is doing. his name is whoremaxxer he should live up to his name and conduct business with prostitutes in the most legitimate way possible instead of assisting men to become bizarre perverts. I observe that it is women who have forgone their essential responsibility as women, which is to be an accompaniment to a man, and to bear children. Instead they have somehow been manipulated into stepping into the arena with men, to compete, and try to act masculine, and then completely fail in the end and destroy society along the way, and this is because there is an excess of men and a very limited supply of fertile women who then chose to go on birth control until they are 30 and become infertile and never have children and then somehow become mad at the world after 50 or more sexual partners for the sole purpose of pleasure. please consider that if we, as all, as man, decide to forgo having a family, the western style of life ends, its over, literally within 50 years. this is happening in south korea right now as there society is extremely feminized and women now have a godlike status there. They will not be able to turn it around at this point unless they were to forcibly impregnate every fertile female south Korean citizen at this moment, and even then their population would shrink. I see multitudes of white couples, 30 years old walking dogs without kids, they are obsessed with dogs, obsessed with themselves, and obsessed with vices like drugs, IPA beer, and videogames. It is normal to desire a woman. The females in the west as a majority are essentially no longer women at all but a strange dark almost satanic being who is barely human. What you see in whoremaxxer is essentially what happens to modern man when he is stripped of the ability to act normally and have a family, a true feminine woman at his side, and kids to raise. It is sad to see this, he has no outlet and his energy goes in all these crazy directions. What I struggle with is that due to feminism, there is a serious legitimate overabundance of men who are essentially denied the possibility of having a family because there are far too many men which are outnumbering the fertile women. Of what limited supply of fertile women that exist, many of them have become lesbians, career women, feminists, transgender, and intentionally childless because they are on average just too stupid to understand the consequences of their actions. You cannot let the future of humanity be determined by an early 20 year old female with an iphone equipped with tinder. I do not understand why this is not discussed more. if men, and mgtow would stop to consider that the reason why women are able to behave the way they are is that there is a demographic mismatch in that there are far too many men which are outstripping the supply of women. If people could just grasp this simple issue they would not have to come up with all these strange elaborate PUA schemes and abnormal behaviors like whormaxxer going to a swingers club. almost all people except for a very small deviant minority would be best served if they were simply allowed to pursue a normative relationship between man and woman whereas they were able to potentially have children. it would be okay if there are a minority of people who deviate from this path, but it is a very sad state of affairs when what whoremaxxer is doing is now becoming mainstream because there is a growing number of excess men who have no hope of getting into a normative relationship with a woman because there are not enough available women in existence, I really do not see an available remedy on the horizon without the use of extreme force, because I hate to be mean, but for whoremaxxer the possibility of him having a legitimate non whore wife and to bear children are now very limited. He is left now to pursue vice to the end of his days unless there is an alternative that has not been identified. consider what will happen when this is the fate for at least 40 percent of men? I cannot imagine what will occur. The demographic doom is the lion in the room the governments won't touch and won't speak about and I am unsure why. MGTOW would not exist except for the demographic problem. we would all be happy blue pillers with our "lovely" wives

2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: excellent point

2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: it's all about demographics. Other points you made are true. It's what the ancients sages have always warned about, don't give your strength into the women, whether its political or all your energy/time. And advising men about the not so lovely nature of woman, those sexist quotes from ancient greek philosophers on women

2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: Keep in mind " whoree maxxer" is a Jew. His people tend towards perversion. See Woody Allen, Harvey Weinstein, Louis C.K. or JEFFREY EPSTEIN! Look at who runs the porn industry. I am not at all surprised that whoree maxxer wants to "help" Christian goy men turn to an empty, soul-less existence based on using random swingers and prostitutes.

2 years ago

Mgtow have a solution : walk away from the gynocentric system controlled by zionists (synagogue of Satan) who weaponized wahmen against men to emasculate them .

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