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Blaze engulfs Russian oil depot near Ukraine border
At least 2 people injured as a Russian oil depot was engulfed in flames after reportedly being struck by two Ukrainian military helicopters. The exact details of the incident are yet to be clarified.
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(Unverified footage)
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3 years ago
Where was your S-400 air defense system? If you're at war, why didn't you have your point defense systems around a valuable piece of infrastructure, like this oil depot? Don't you have border scouts who would've heard low-flying jets or helicopters?
It&'s not enough to be politically and historically right to invade Ukraine and clean out the ZOG-U.S. filth we put in. I can't get over how the Russian Army hasn't learned a fucking thing over the past 20 years. I guess their war colleges are just daycare centers for oligarch's sons who wear officer uniforms. Most importantly, the Russian military CULTURE hasn't changed one bit. It is still predatory, stupid, and counter-productive with how it treats conscripts. The conscripts had NO CLUE about what they were being thrown into and NO CLUE about what they were fighting. But they sure had A CLUE about not being fed or having enough fuel or supplies! NO WONDER many of them are half-assing, going AWOL, or defecting!
As far as I can tell, the Russian Army is just throwing valuable bombs at random buildings with no military value and doing random massacres of ordinary civilians who are not a threat. Meanwhile, Ukraine's Army is making smart tactical attacks and using a mix of Soviet-era and current Western infantry weapons. Which, by the way, seem to be getting into Ukraine without any interdiction by the Russians.