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Booty Hurt Mexicel Is Upset I'm Banging His Women

300 Views • 07/18/22
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Edward Longshanks
Edward Longshanks
2 years ago

At this point masking is a conspicuous compliance display by the goyim. I just slow-clap for them when they mask themselves and their loved ones within my line of sight. It is to be celebrated.


2 years ago

Amr you’re wrong. If you’re not her boyfriend or husband then you can’t be her beta male provider husband. Just use her hypergamy against and pump and dump her.

2 years ago

I've had similar problem with Thai condoms...

2 years ago

Amr, looks like I may be the lone dissenter here, but a few things I noticed:
1) You are dating a single mother, which means she is a trash ho. That's how single moms are in the US that's how they are around the World. I have had many opportunities with such women in the West. They are all trash hoes.

2) Because you are dating a single mom trash ho, this makes you the SIMP, and literal cuckold by default . It doesn't matter that you aren't taking care of her kids for her, You are entertaining this woman, while she has had children with another man (men), and now you're white knighting like a beta soy boy for this trash ho. If you had a woman of quality I would be a bit more understanding of you wanting to stand your ground with the locals, but this is not your hill (ho) to die on.

3) The locals are starting to get angry that the low-value Westerners are taking their women, and can you blame them really? If the situation was reversed you would probably also be upset. Also, This is not the United States, this is Chiapas Mexico. Different laws and country. God knows what these people might have planned.

4) Your videos routinely insult the locals, calling them mask cucks, and poor.... over and over again. All these factors into consideration, I would GTFO of there ASAP. You have insulted the locals, and you are dating a single mom trash ho, which is drama and cuckoldry in itself. This ho has also tricked you into thinking you are the man (this is how single moms operate, play on your ego more than other women, in part because their value as a single mother is so much lower) I'm not some simp crying beta telling you this.. this is legitimate advice from a man who knows a bit about the game in the West, and a good amount about women, female nature, and especially single mothers. Just because you get a bit of single mom pussy does not mean you are an alpha or tyrone, chad, whatever... it means you are a bit of a sucker, you are the mark.... by default.

If it was me in mexico (or in any Western country) getting a single mother, I wouldn't even admit I was dating such a woman, and embarrassed I was doing so. Anyway that's my advice, GTFO ASAP, perhaps go to another city, and stop insulting the locals so much as being poor, and mask cucks. Are you that retarded to be a guest in someone else's country or house and start insulting them?

2 years ago

I don't think anyone there watches my video. I got the sex I wanted. Mission accomplished. Indeed, my month here is over.

2 years ago

Amr dick'in his countrywomen down, no wonder he hella mad . LOLOL

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