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Boys Beware (1961 Colorized Version) - Educational Film

45 Views • 06/18/22

All credit goes to the producers of Boys Beware! <br>---&amp;gt; <br>This is a special colorized version of the 1961 educational film &amp;quot;Boys Beware&amp;quot;. Boys Beware is aimed towards teenage boys to warn against molestation by mentally ill homosexuals. <br> <br>Boys Beware was created by educational filmmaker Sid Davis, close friend of the famous actor John Wayne. <br> <br>Watch a breakdown of this video by Blackpilled; &amp;quot;When Propaganda is Logos&amp;quot; <br>- <br> <br>Boys Beware (1961 Colorized Version) - [You Are Here] <br>Girls Beware (1961) - <br>Name Unknown (1951) - <br> <br>--- <br> <br>Henry Makow: <br> <br>&amp;quot;We Don't Hear about Self-Control Anymore&amp;quot; <br>- <br> <br>- <br> <br>&amp;quot;Let's look at gay behavior as defined by two gay activists, Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen Ph.D., authors of &amp;quot;After the Ball: How America will Conquer its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90's&amp;quot;(1989)... In Chapter Six, they outline &amp;quot;ten categories of misbehavior,&amp;quot; drawn from their own experiences, wide reading and thousands of hours of conversation with hundreds of other gays. Their contention is that the male gay lifestyle &amp;quot;is the pits.&amp;quot; They want gays to improve their image by addressing &amp;quot;what is wrong with a lot of gays.&amp;quot; (276) <br> <br>What follows are some highlights.... <br>[see excerpts in article] <br> <br>... The authors of this book are public relations experts who believe that &amp;quot;our problem is fundamentally one of bad image with straights&amp;quot;, [and] details &amp;quot;a comprehensive public-relations campaign that should go a long way towards sanitizing our very unsanitary image.&amp;quot; <br> <br>&amp;quot;By Conversion, we mean something far more profoundly threatening to the American Way of Life [than subversion] ...We mean conversion of the average American's emotions, mind, and will, through a planned psychological attack, in the form of propaganda fed to the nation via the media. We turn their hatred into warm regard whether they like it or not.&amp;quot; (153) <br> <br>Thus gays want Americans to learn that a developmental disorder resulting in perverse behavior, is in fact healthy. Thus Americans are defenceless to resist their overtures whether in parks, barracks, bathrooms or classrooms. We are approaching the day when resisting a homosexual overture will be considered bigotry. <br> <br>Gay Pride is really designed to make heterosexuals see homosexual behavior as the new normal. In fact, in the vast majority of cases, homosexually is caused by family role dysfunction or SEXUAL ABUSE.&amp;quot; <br> <br>-- <br> <br>Walt Heyer (former transwoman): &amp;quot;Is it deliberate? Yes. The push to normalize LGBT characters has become all too predictable. We're in the midst of a major, deliberate, well-executed social indoctrination coming from the entertainment industry, the White House, and pro-trans LGBT activists... <br> <br>I'm concerned about the people who are not getting appropriate psychological care and end up committing suicide. Meanwhile, the entertainment industry refuses to include in their scripts an accurate portrayal of the mental illness and the suicides prevalent in the LGBT population. The White House focuses on so-called civil rights rather than mental health. These special-interest groups refuse to acknowledge that mental disorders have become the largest single risk factor in the high suicidal behavior within the lesbian, gay, and bisexual community.&amp;quot; <br> <br>-

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2 Comments sort Sort By
2 years ago

Thanks for video Shane. I watched both and wished school were more direct and to the point about these things. Because as a society we need that intergenerational mentorships.


Yeah well I find some issues - are too far into the weeds for me to deal with... and I copied these over in passing.... lest I forget. In regards to Salo or 120 days of Soddom - with the older guys coming onto the younger guys / children - within the first 5 minutes - I had to stop watching. Salo or 120 Days of Sodom -------------- Read the comments. I might just watch it tonight....

2 years ago

Groomers need to be hung by the neck, until dead.


Yeah I haven't watched both of these video... but they seemed like interesting bits of historical artifice, that at the very least guarantee a better understanding of many subjects, and it was a case of going "Oh yeah - better grab them and copy them, while I am still at Bitchute - otherwise they will just join the endless back log of things I was going to do" - what did you get out of the film?


As a side note, I posted the movie "Salo" (180 days of Soddom and Gamorah) here as well, but I saw it 30 years ago and didn't see as much in it as I saw in the re-viewing... and when it got to the older guys coming on to the younger guys.... within the first 5 minutes, I kind of went into overload and had to bail....

2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I'm thankful that I had a vigilant, more "street smart" father. He knew about these people bc he was a "special investigator" for the Cook County (Chicago), IL Dept. Of Public Aid (welfare fraud). As a black man growing up during the '60s and '70s, there were more fathers in the homes. Our culture was more disciplinarian (strict) than the Caucasian culture. We had more "obstacles" of which to be aware. No whining, just the realities of that era. Not to say it didn't exist, but you simply didn't hear as much about these individuals in our neighborhood, bc they would never make it to the police station... in one piece. Our fathers also had firearms, bc they understood that gun control was a tool liberals always used against blacks, so our ancestors couldn't rebel as slaves seeking their freedom (much like today in most major cities, which are run by leftists). That's probably why Abraham Lincoln was killed by a pro slavery leftist: John Wilkes Boothe.


@sauger1001: Yeah well I might watch them all tonight - salo and the boy / girl vids.... I have house work to kind of distract me.


@sauger1001: YEah did the "Boys Beware" film, and that that short, straight to the point and very effective - and they covered most of the bases from grooming to rape. And they examined and demonstrated the issues very effectively, without mentioning sex. I skimmed through the "Girls" one, and females of all ages have become such cunts, that I don't care any more.... And I started rewatching Salo, I honestly really only remembered the young people getting their toungs cut out - and at the time I really cound not tell if it was really being done, or if it was fake --- because I couldn't figure how it was faked..... But about 1/3 of the way through, I had no memory of the nude scenes, and it was getting as dull as all fuck, so I started to jump ahead in 2 or 3 minute increments..... I will skip watch the rest of it today.... mostly to watch the tongue cutting scene - to figure out if it was real or fake, and the consign that movie to the scrap bin of history....

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