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BREAKING: Inflation and Climate Lockdowns Will Be Used to Collapse the World Economy
• 04/28/22
Jess Sosnoski
200 Subscribers
BREAKING: Inflation and Climate Lockdowns Will Be Used to Collapse the World Economy
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3 years ago
There's a reason why research budget's for nuclear fusion are miniscule. They don't want people having nearly unlimited energy. I saw a study that says green energy will cost America one hundred trillion dollars not including energy storage for when solar/wind aren't functioning. Sounds like a recipe for disaster.
3 years ago
(((Experts))) my ass! Any "expert" cited by the Jew MEDIA is full of shit.
3 years ago
Today is April 28. HAPPY HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE DAY! LMAO! Today's the day for parties, laughs, buying stuff, and good times.
Put on blindfolds and play Pin The Nose On The Jew! LOL!
Make a pinata of Shlomo and try to whack him while blindfolded.
Play charades and guess the crimes of the Jews.
Play drinking games and take a shot every time you hear some Jew on TV use buzzwords like "Hate" or "Bigotry" or "White Privilege" or "Toxic Masculinity" or "hurtful" or racist-sexist-homophobe or 6 million.
3 years ago