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British universities rig their admissions system to try and allow in more black students

40 Views • 08/18/22
190 Subscribers

Trying to get people not just blacks into Universit and debt for life by lowering standards is like entering a 1959 Morris 1000 without an engine for the Le Man's 24 hour race. You paint it as many shades of Red or whatever colour, but it is still not going to be a ferrari is it? anyone with a brain cell in todays world regardless od colour shouldn't even think of University and the life of debt you will fall into. If I were black (sorry yes I'm an evil White skinned person), then even if I were BLACK or Ethnic I would take the fact that standards have to be lowered as a slap in the face, or dare I say down right RACIST, to assume I would need standards lowered because for some reason my skin colour alone makes me a moron? I was born in the fifties and bought up that we were all equal, but today it seems some are far more fortunate or equal than other's and it ain't White MEN, or Black MEN infact it's not MEN at all. The biggest group that get this preferential treatment are Women and theydon't do anything with it anyway's! I mean have you ever gone to a University Graduation and even see a 5 year old pass out with a degree in PLAT DOE ART! lol!

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Have you seen this ---- The Dangers of Education - Plandemic


It's good to see the British being British and speaking English.
Actually this racial features issue is just bullshit - either you can do the work or you can't.
Lowering the bar, to fit in non achievers is just crap.

2 years ago

Your right about the lowering the bar, because you could lay the bar on the ground but the result wont be any different I guess. They will still qualify and pass out with some useless art degree in finger painting or something that in the REAL world is crap and your life is then spoent giving back money to the government!

2 years ago

@mrghoster: The UK will burn to the ground ! Fuck the English royals .

2 years ago

@mrghoster: The rest of Europe will meet the same fate !


2 years ago

@sithsith: I can't get over that the rightful people of the British Isles are just going to let a thousand years of glorious history just go down the drain. White Englanders and anybody else with roots in those lands had better start KILLING their elites and any official who enables Jewish social engineering like this. Trouble is: who and how will it start? I just don't see any Great Man in all of England who can save England like Hitler saved Germany. Hitler came from very humble beginnings but, his mettle was proven in WW1. The gods saw it and put him on the path to power and save Germany. Is there somebody in all of the U.K. who has the RAW WILL like Hitler had? I don't know. If my inputs on can somehow summon the Great Man to action by awakening him to his raison d'etre, then my prayers, in the form of commentary, will continue to slay Jews and their Shabbos Goy helpers to that end.


2 years ago

@mrghoster: Financial support of the economy is NOT the end goal of pushing Whites out of their own institutions and making room for Negroes and other 3rd Worlders. The income potential of mud people is nowhere close to what Whites can do. This is 110% JEWISH SOCIAL ENGINEERING and the explicity purpose is to carry out a slow White Genocide. It's just that simple. Until Whites in the U.K. turn into the most vicious and violent creatures and start KILLING THEIR ELITES and any official who participates in this genocide, then there is no hope. Kick Jesus in the teeth and curse the Sermon on the Mount, which was used to pacify and spiritually disarm White Europeans. It doesn't matter who or what Jesus was. All that matters is that he was weaponized by JEWS to slowly rot the White race from within. Christianity and its misused doctrines of peace, tolerance, and love, love, love have destroyed more Whites than any war.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: : Don't count on anyone bu the white themselves to save their own race , otherwise they will become extinct. In reality there is no super goy superman to save your ass in this world !

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: I've taken the view sometime ago, not that I would consider myself a Nihilist or anything but the current status is to destroy the world as we knew it. After all I don't think "THEY" the 1%er's are going to suffer in anyway for it are they. This very morning I listened to Neil Oliver and he was stating exactly the same thing, without being pessimistic it is wise to NOW take the view it's over and to individualize yourself and remove baggage and complication from your life., you are going to need all your strength to cope with it, whatever "IT" will show it's face to be. Peace Bro, become or be MENTALLY prepped for the near future.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Christianity was a Roman Construct and we think of it as a WHITE religioun because of Sunday church services in a quaint Village, and Coffe and tea mornings for the local spinster'ds and the annual fete for the Church Roof Fund, that is the WHITE Christianity we were all fooled into. Chrisatianity was formed in the East by the Roman Empire that employed Jew's like Josephus to right the books of the New Testament , under strict visibility that is? the world from time in Memorial has been one BIG FUCKING LIE. now is the time to shoe some BALL's and accept that fact, and go to your Maker if their is such a thing, or move to a new plain or Dimension, whatever the fuck it may be. If their is nothing then that is a Victory for all of us in the end, if you look at it with a Stoic mindset. I look at life as Not giving a fuck anymore, BUT not in a light hearted way, Peace.


Have you seen this ---- The Dangers of Education - Plandemic

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