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Canada Is Cucked - MGTOW

301 Views • 07/01/21
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He didn't give me a topic so I want to discuss some things that were brought up to me in one of my coaching calls. I spoke to someone in Canada that fought in Afghanistan and he was the first Canadian I've spoken to in my sessions that could see the writing on the wall when it comes to Canada and could see that this country is in serious trouble and in his words we are sleepwalking into socialism. That our glorious leader wearing his rubber ducky socks is a simp and that he's more Peter Pan than man wearing tights. That when it comes to masculinity standing next to his wife Sophie he is the pantyhose prime minster. Canadian Women are becoming increasingly masculinized and resembling men with boobs. Why wouldn't they take on the male appearance which they see as the old authority that men had over them. It's almost as if Canadian women are feminizing the men while masculinizing themselves because they see power as being masculine. Skippy Trudeau has stated that he wants 50% of all politicians to be women going forward. What happens when they make up more than fifty percent. Will has cabinet of ministers that he selected still look like a representation of the Canadian population at that point? Or will it represent the percentage of male versus female elected officials. That's the point where we will see weather or not it was ever about equality or if it was about women and the cucks that enable them pull off a soft cooch coup in Canada. I'll discuss this and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring On 200K In Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the Canadian Cuckservative clown world show. So that gentleman I spoke to also made another great point about how men in the Soviet Union drank themselves to death after the cold war was over and the average male life expectancy in the USSR was reduced to the fifties to early sixties for men back then. That Canada's men are facing a similar crisis right now with regards to homelessness and the Opiod crisis. During the coof I travelled to a few small towns and cities in Ontario including Stratford, Oshawa and Cambridge to film some videos. In Oshawa I was interviewing someone in a museum and was told by him to remove my valuables from my car because there are addicts breaking into cars all the time. I also saw homeless people in Stratford and Cambridge. I have never seen that before. So there is definitely some truth to that. Where is the equal representation in the homeless population? Where are the female homeless or can they always polish a man's knob as their cash job? What I learned in my mid twenties and then again in my mid thirties when I left relationships is that equality works until it doesn't. A woman might treat you equally and do the things that you want half the time while you do the things she wants during the other half but eventually she makes a move for control of the relationship either in a soft or hard way and if that happens it's up to you to do one of a few things. Number one you call her out on it and say that it isn't fair that she makes more than fifty percent of the decisions in the relationship and she agrees to share power. But remember by doing this she's going to resent you later on and hate you for forcing her to share. She might get spiteful and ruin your life because you told her you wanted to visit your parents one weekend and her parents the next. Instead of visiting her parents one weekend and her sister or friends the next. How dare you deny her choice in who she socializes with and when.

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15 Comments sort Sort By
4 years ago

crpto is such a big problem, b/c they want to control you. The governement, corp. woman, etc etc. Inflations is there there way of taking 2% (yearly) of your wealth, and using it to maintain there power. People say not to borrow to invest... ie trade on margin. This will generate interest expense. Interest expense reduces your taxable income. Income is the highest taxable form of income. Capital gains is half taxed vs income, and dividends are reduced also. If you mess up, and pick a bad stock, you can claim the capital losses. The red pill of fiances, is working , being a plough horse, IS THE WORST WAY TO MAKE A LIVING. You are being manipulated...Trust me. I know

4 years ago

It seems thanks to "charismatic" prodding and lying by generations of Trudeaus, Canada is finally a Communist state. If we Americans ever give up their guns (I don't see that happening), we'll fall as well. Our history with the British is a bit more successful. We fought for, and WON our freedom, but not so much with the British and (Napoleonic) French up north, which was more of a "compromise". Maybe that's (at least partially) why Canada is perhaps more divided (French vs English), and was easier much later, for the Trudeaus to "charismatically" control and manipulate (think "lie and flatter") the people (rejecting God's Laws didn't help either). Our own resident soy boy sodomite ("alleged"), Hussein Obama, left a pretty deep gash for the Communists and globalists to occupy, down here in America (also due to our rejection of God's Laws), but they're about to be surprised with a lot more pushback. Major cities (with or without Trump) will burn to the ground, but we'll REJECT communism. No knock against our Canadian brethren, but we're just not quite that nice, but we'll also be severely punished for our disobedience, if we don't grow a pair, and stand up for what's right.

4 years ago

Petter pan pants lol


I have watched Trudea lying his arse off in the Canadian Parliament.....

He ought to get hung with a 5 foot rope off a 10 foot drop.

Trudea is pure fucking sleaze.

4 years ago


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