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Cash Cows - Only Fans Earning 1 M in 6 hours just by being trash
Sorry for late MGTOW.TV upload. After 3 uploads in less than 3 days i hav to wait another 3 days for it to clear before i get notes sent to my subs. I will try to slowly catch up but i am posting everyday so due to the nature of this free account i cannot upload everything and its a waste of time if i get 0 views. This made me leave out mgtow tv as i like uploading everything as once and once it was uploaded i moved on aswell as a personal path i am travelling
Not one of my most enjoyable videos, i honestly do not like looking into celebrities. Most of em are trash and drain my energy.
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4 years ago
Yes, they have nothing at all inside of them. They're full of the most vile, heinous, and evil thoughts and sentiments; human trash walking. I have nothing to do with them: no talking, barely any eye contact, and minimal thinking about them, except for feeling sad and disgusted by them. The society cannot stand men like us taking back our sovereignty and denying the decadence any power over us.
Great video. Nowadays, I just chuckle and shake my head at these empty women. They are to be pitied because most of them will never even realize how screwed they are. But they'll sure try to ruin men's innocent lives to lash out at us. That part is unforgivable.
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
this crap is all over the net so sick of it women need better skills than this.
4 years ago
It's true. The ONLY thing money can't buy is 'poverty'. Don't defile yourself wishing future ''ills'' on this ignorant female. She will be fine, and, if she isn't what for her.??