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Chinese plane bursts into flames during takeoff
Dozens injured while fleeing a passenger plane which caught fire during takeoff from an airport in southwestern China <br> <br>Details: <br> <br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br> <br>Freedom over censorship, truth over narrative. <br>Follow us on Facebook: <br>Follow us on Telegram: <br>Follow us on Twitter:
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3 years ago
Hmmmm OK if one or two groups in their fire trucks get the fire out, then why are another 4 or so teams in their trucks, just spraying shit all over the same are as well?
So all trucks then end up empty and need refilling and recharging with foaming material and fuel and a service....
And then comes in a fully fuelled big plane and it's on fire too..
Dumb cunts.
3 years ago
Oh good. The people are wearing their face diapers. Everything is fine then.