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22 Views • 02/09/23

Winston Churchill's commitment to Jews, to Zionism, and ultimately to the creation of a Jewish nation never wavered. Churchill was half Jew himself, his mother was Jenny Jerome (Jacobson). In 1922, he established the right of Jews to emigrate to Palestine, even though the UK didn't own Palestine, and Palestine was a sovereign nation with its own Palestinian citizens. Drawing on a wide range of archives and private papers, speeches, newspaper coverage, and wartime correspondence, Churchill's official biographer, Sir Martin Gilbert (a Zionist Jew), explores the origins, implications, and results of Churchill's determined commitment to Jewish endeavors, opening a window on an underappreciated and heroic aspect of the Zionist puppet politician's life and career. Sadly, he turned down over 12 offers of peace from Adolf Hitler because he needed to start WWII to eliminate Germany as the last remaining stronghold against the Jewish Globalist Communist Satanic New World Order. Adolf Hitler had done the unspeakable thing by eliminating the Rothschild Central Bank and started printing Germany's own, interest free money, as well as publicly denouncing Jews while achieving an approval rating of 99% and becoming the most popular leader of all time. Every world leader including Lincoln, JFK, Hussein, Gaddaffi and others that tried closed their Rothschild Central Banks, have all been assassinated. <br> <br>THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION [1903] <br> <br> <br>THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN <br> <br> <br>KHAZARIAN MAFIA: THE TRUE RULERS OF THE WORLD <br> <br> <br>ADOLF HITLER WARNED HUMANITY BUT WE DIDN'T LISTEN!!! <br> <br> <br>ADOLF HITLER: THE MAN WHO FOUGHT AGAINST THE NEW WORLD ORDER TAKEOVER <br> <br> <br>ADOLF HITLER VS. THE JEW WORLD ORDER - ERIC DUBAY <br> <br> <br>ADOLF HITLER: THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD! [2013] - DENNIS WISE <br> <br> <br>NEW WORLD ORDER: COMMUNISM BY THE BACK DOOR [2014] - DENNIS WISE <br> <br> <br>THE SECRET MASONIC VICTORY OF WW2 [2019] - DENNIS WISE <br> <br> <br>HITLER'S WAR?: WHAT THE HISTORIANS NEGLECT TO MENTION [2009] <br> <br> <br>ADOLF HITLER: A LAST APPEAL TO REASON [2017] - THE IMPARTIAL TRUTH <br> <br> <br>EUROPA: THE LAST BATTLE [2017] - TOBIAS BRATT <br> <br> <br>THE TOP OF THE PYRAMID: THE ROTHSCHILD'S, THE VATICAN AND THE BRITISH CROWN RULE THE WORLD <br> <br> <br>GENERAL GEORGE S. PATTON: WE DEFEATED THE WRONG ENEMY - PETER HAMMOND <br> <br> <br>&amp;quot;The 5 rules to AWAKENING: Rule #1 - Everything you were ever taught is a lie by design; Rule #2 - governments lie 100% of the time, they always have, and they always will; Rule #3 - the Illuminati controlled mainstream media is not reality, but rather is lies, disinformation, half-truths, and fake events carried out by gov/media hired crisis actors (aka role players); Rule #4 - Spirituality and Reincarnation are reality, whereas religions are simply government crowd control measures; and Rule #5 - this plane(t) called earth is a flat, motionless plane, it is not a spinning ball hurling through outer space. Furthermore, the 4 Sources of Disinformation that are ALWAYS FAKE: government, mainstream media news, matrix sciences, and religions.&amp;quot; -- Sergeant Major

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2 Comments sort Sort By
erick rendoza
erick rendoza
2 years ago

I like the story of churchill and his secret non biological son. I like the bath tub scene he did have in history for D day. He had miniture boats and barges.

Mark E
Mark E
2 years ago

That was REALLY interesting, thanks for posting Shane!

Mark E
Mark E
2 years ago

Never knew Churchill was half a heeb!


@bigintol03: Yeah well I don't know if it's true or not, I just posted a video.... Propaganda, pressures, propositions and agendas - hidden or otherwise all hang in the balance.


@bigintol03: The Kikes are notorious for lying about everything, and so are the opposition..... Liars on both sides are just retarded arseholes.

Mark E
Mark E
2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Truer words were never spoken!


@bigintol03: SOME of the bona-fide Nazi people and ideas and goals and ambitions ARE actually good.... SOME of the bona fide evil Jew Cult people and ideas and ambitions ARE actually good - but all in all, each side is generally one huge mind fuck of lying arseholes and stand over merchants and bullshit artists... AND pretty much each sides philosphies and propaganda is total shit... Thebook of the Jew - the old testament is based upon plagarisim - the first 6 or 8 out of the first 11 books are word for word copies of the Code of Hammurubi (former King of Babylon) almost wholly, in part and significantly in portion... So the Jew Cult is based entirely upon the bylaws of Babylon and all they did was delete, "The King said" and wrote in "Our diety said, we the priests said".... AND contrary to the beginning and end of all time bullshit - Hell was the name of the rubbish dump out side of Jerusalem, where the bodies and rubbish were burned... There is NO sign of a messiah that had a non existent father (the jew god) and the jew cult is only 3100 years old.... It's ALL bullshit. And the fucking Hitlerites - their manifesto was a copy of the book of the Jew - "Go to war, kill everyone, burn their temples and cities to the ground etc." And the tools who say, "Hitler was the saviour of mankind - the world is full of empirical cunts and their toadies who come and go - like the grass in the fields... season by season - year by year...


@bigintol03: Dowload this and have a listen to it - it's very interesting - but some of the Adolf Hitlers (the nazi parties) ideas ARE kind of quite good - but if only taken in a very narrow scope - if you delete WHY they where being done, "what was being done" and what the actions lead too... then it's really bad, but that little bit in the middle - looked good.... Download it, study it and make up your own mind.... then dig up the Code of Hammurubi and then compare that to the old testament and that was all "Toe the line or we kill you" mass murdering bullshit. The jew cult is as evil as the fucking nazies.

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