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Clashes erupt at holy site in Jerusalem
Rocks and firecrackers were launched when Palestinians clashed with Israeli police in Jerusalem as Muslims marked the holy month of Ramadan. At least nine Palestinians were injured, the Red Crescent medical service reported. <br> <br>------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br>Freedom over censorship, truth over narrative. <br>Follow us on Facebook: <br>Follow us on Telegram: <br>Follow us on Twitter:
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3 years ago
Those Muslim women really are biological WMDs, tho. Holy moly, the Palestinians sure know how to breed. I feel a bit sorry for the Zionists; crushing the West with their banking tricks on the one hand, and having to deal with Arabs on the other.
However, Zionism was a bad idea from the start. Based on first principles, the Zionists LARPing as Israelites (Ha!) are the ones in the wrong.
3 years ago
Aelia capitolina. A relatively recent Roman-built city. Not an ancient Jebusite city.
As with all things to do with these LARPers; "It was Jerusalem in my mind."