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Clashes erupt between Palestinians and Israeli forces at 21yo protester’s funeral

17 Views • 04/12/22
136 Subscribers

Israeli security clashed with Palestinian protesters near Bethlehem following the funeral of 21-year-old Muhammad Ali Ghoneim, who was shot dead by Israeli forces on Sunday.

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3 years ago

The crimes of the Zionists are very great. The Balfour Declaration stipulated that the rights of the Palestinians not be infringed. They almost immediately broke this pledge.

And whilst one can blame 'the Pogroms' or 'the Holocaust' for their sense of alacrity and alarm, the world is now discovering that these events were largely concocted and 'real in their minds'. Or worse, they were in fact, the perpetrators themselves of mass atrocities upon Europeans, and were projecting their own crimes upon the victims.

Therefore, there can be no reason now for the continued mistreatment of the native Palestinians. They have no foundation upon which to continue their behaviour. Ideally, it should be one land - 'Palestine' or the 'Holy Land' - shared by all peoples of the world. Without any specific religion.

Reason: the present day 'Israelis' are mostly either A). a Hunnic people of Romanian-Turkish origin, or B). sand niggers from the MENA region. Neither A nor B were the Ancient Israelites. These people are NOT the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah, Joseph, Benjamin, Manassah, Saul or David.


3 years ago

Should've taken the Mozambique pill...

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