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Classic MGTOW : Kris Cantu - The Clown World
• 05/04/20
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5 years ago
What make very serious cults Mormons, Jehovah’s Witness and especially other biased forms of religious zealotry that promotes tyrannical-obedience control and dependency against free, moral or independent intellect. Especially those that promotes, Advocates or enforces the gynocentric pro-masandry, Pro-Cuckoldry and pro-matrimony narrative. Including those including demonolotors who blindly advocate for dangerously dark evil forces they don’t truly understand which they blindly or knowingly promote the evil that comes with it either for the thrill of it or as a coordinated agenda against humanity and if I ruffled some feathers where someone has a problem about it because I’m simply being this honest and transparent about demonolototry and playing with negative extra-dimensional entities in seances, conderings even rituals that summon them directly or indirectly, Then tuff shit because my job is to spread 100% honest truth, not hate.
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
Catholics are one of the biggest cults that are responsible of the worlds problems.
5 years ago
And Anthony Fauci is a fucking guinea catholic devil god worshiping piece of shit!
5 years ago
Hitlery Clintock defended a child rapist. Always remember that.