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COCKWAUD Dictionary Strikes Back

376 Views • 03/07/20
Shadow Monk
Shadow Monk
219 Subscribers

This is what happens when you expose an Anti-MGTOW infiltrator and when they react...

So he attacked me out of nowhere because of my video the MGTOW Commandments&Code of Conduct which I knew that cock sucker would attack me for setting some boundries and drawing a line in the sand to protect the philosophy + stop him and other infiltrators like him from ever distorting the MGTOW philosophy and that the fact I have and will continue to expose people like him..

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Shadow Monk
Shadow Monk 5 years ago  

It’s a shame that MGTOW Dictionary is using the MGTOW label while man shaming other MGTOW for being single + He aligns himself with other women including one of the female infiltrators here, Though I don’t condone any forms of racism, I especially “do not” tolerate the shit he’s doing where he’s being a total hypocrite by trying to corrupt the philosophy by saying that men who were already married and divorced even though they turn to MGTOW to change their life around and redeem themselves of the gynocentric burden. Cannot join + MGTOW Dictionary or how should I say CUCKWAUD Dictionary is especially turning on the whole MGTOW community by siding up with those women who oppose us; What a traitor and a turn coat!

He has this secret Anti-MGTOW Conspiracy to Destroying our beloved MGTOW community from within. First he will prevent more men from joining by creating these so-called parameters that are actually set up to limit the MGTOW Community’s growth on purpose where he will allow women into the MGTOW community and that’s where they will try to infiltrate us and destroy us from within! So I intend to expose this infiltrator CUCKWAUD Dictionary and his secret plot against MGTOW...
So I have created the MGTOW Commandments and the MGTOW Code Of Conduct to defend, preserve MGTOW and to draw a line in the sand; Especially expose the so-called Dictionary for what it truly is. Yes it has some truths to it but don’t be deceived by it because the Dictionary also has teaching that don’t align with what the real MGTOW Philosophy says, Which the dictionary’s teachings are Anti-MGTOW designed to purposefully corrupt the MGTOW philosophy...

   6    2
4 years ago

I know your not a white supremacist because you called out the racist alabama nigger song along with me. Kee up the good work. P.S It's me eric my old account got deleted by my dad.

Shadow Monk
Shadow Monk
4 years ago

I’m sorry that your dad did that to your account. It’s always important to keep a backup one.

4 years ago

@Shadow Monk: yeah, is a lot better on mobile. Now i have to use the family computor from 2006

Shadow Monk
Shadow Monk
4 years ago

@Eric : Honestly no way...You have that right to have a mobile app on your phone. He doesn’t have the right to do that. Unacceptable. No one has a right to do that to their sons since they are total simps Who do not have the right to force their sons into a cuckhold, to be honest the reason any parent would do that because they are helicopter/Simps + either because they don’t fully know and truly understand you as their son, Or they flat out don’t love you and just want to control you because they think they can which is very fucked up. I am very outraged and I feel your anger. Either your family doesn’t understand you in the truest sense because of how blue pilled they are. Or they might not care about you as much and just want to control you.

Shadow Monk
Shadow Monk
4 years ago

If they don’t truly love you then they’re not your true family, We are your family and you’re not alone because lots of us brothers have been in your shoes before growing up. Perhaps I could be wrong and he does care about you but he does not truly understand you because of his bluepilled programming.


his new name is DICK-ionary because he is a dick who attacks other men

5 years ago

I think you have to just let it go; all this with MGTOW Dictionary. He is just a Nigger. They can not help what they are. So sad, though, MGTOWDictionary was "actually" an ass-birth. Imagine his poor mother's surprise when she stood up from the toilet and saw that 'bundle-of-joy' floating around with the turd balls. I can't imagine how she could have gotten over it.

I find the double standard of "inclusiveness" increasingly difficult to accept. If the Niggers and the Liggers don't like YOU, it is their God Given Right. In fact they have the right to abuse you liberally. However, if you disagree or challenge them, then, YOU are racist and must reform and apologize. Do you detect a bit of forced subordination nested inside this institutionalized social formula? This equation is not balanced. He attacks you because he is jealous and insecure. Your place is to accept the fact that you can not win them all, but, if you subordinate to that crap you will win NONE. That is what they want.


5 years ago

Ego over the elevation of men will never be a winning formula. Keep preaching brother.


5 years ago

You will be in prison, bitch! lol


5 years ago

@MGTOWRevolution: eat a bag of dicks fake mgtow. Check out the new video and tell me what you think about that.


5 years ago

@Hammerhand: I have and I am laughing already. You have not done research buddy, that black man is really ignorant about hisitory. The civil was never about slavery stupid, if you done the research you would know that. lol The Racist History of Minimum Wage Laws


5 years ago

Put black men out of work with racism min wage laws that left quite a few black men jobless. Now the government will give welfare to black women with her children. The white racist men did not want black men from benefiting from welfare, this is why there is a law that no black man is allowed to live in the house or they will lose welfare. This is how social engineering started, the white men caused but the Jews took advantage of racism from white folks. As an Asian man I love learning history of ignorant black and white folks. White folks never wanted slavery to end. It is the Christians that wanted to fight Jim Crow laws. Since you're not a Christian you can't take credit, no true Christian would act the way you do. BGS IMBOR used to laugh talking about white men crying about child support. You should listen to Mr Forma's advice, he told this young man, don't look at child support as a pushiment but your freedom. Mr Forma was homeless, Messenger Rising have been homeless 3 times, been in prision and still going through hardship but he can still forgive people. It is weak people and stupid people like you I have no respect for, I don't blame your ex for leaving your weak ass.


5 years ago

My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union. I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more will help the cause. I shall try to correct errors when shown to be errors; and I shall adopt new views so fast as they shall appear to be true views.


5 years ago

The industries that were not governed by minimum wage laws demonstrate the market's propensity to raise the relative income of discriminated people. In the 1920s, for example, popular black performers were starring in Broadway plays alongside whites. In the 1940s, Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in Major League Baseball, despite the racism in professional sports. Meanwhile, blacks in civilian and government jobs were being pushed out of their industries by wage floors. By the 1960s, many African-Americans were employed as farmers — at least partly due to this being one of the few remaining fields of work that was not yet subject to wage regulations. This changed in 1967, when the government extended the minimum wage laws to American farmers as part of the "War on Poverty." Black farmers who were accustomed to making a modest $3.50 per day were now legally required to be paid $1.00 per hour — a tremendous increase in wages. The effect of this law was immediate and undeniable. An estimated 25,000 farm workers were put out of work in the Mississippi Delta region alone.4 Black farmers were not oblivious to the cause-and-effect at play. "That dollar an hour ain't worth nothing," said the wife of one day-laborer. "It would have been better if it had been 50 cents a day if you work every day."5 Fifty cents per day, of course, was a lower wage than what her husband would have been earning prior to the law. Her point was clear: the federal minimum wage destroyed their ability to earn a living. Instead of raising the wages of the predominantly-black farmers, the new law sped-up the move toward mechanization and ushered in the use of chemical weed killers instead of the previously more economical human weed pullers. Meanwhile, black migration out of these farmlands occurred by the thousands; the New York Times in 1968 called it the "Negro Exodus.


5 years ago

Whatever your feelings on the status of racism in America today, it is difficult to argue that the United States is actually more racist than it was during the Jim Crow era. In that time span, the country has gone from making African-Americans drink from different water fountains to electing the first black president. Yet, despite this distinct improvement, the unemployment rate of black teens is roughly double that of whites. In 1948, by contrast, the unemployment rate among teenagers was the same between the races.6 Despite the widespread racism remaining in the country following the emancipation of slaves, the rise of a black middle-class started to emerge quickly and continued for decades. But thanks to meddlesome laws passed by presumably well-intentioned bureaucrats, the government has only served to stifle this upward trajectory.


5 years ago

@Hammerhand: Walter E Williams - Minimum Wage as a Racist Tool


5 years ago

@Hammerhand: White people ended racism because they had to but they were jealous of black people's success. The history of black wall street shows what black folks can do but it is white people who destroyed what black folks built. Black Wall Street - Full Documentary

Shadow Monk
Shadow Monk
5 years ago

@Hammerhand also keep preaching too my friend, Im proud and I’m glad&greatfull+ I’m glad for fishing out the infiltrators ; )

5 years ago

@BlackpillRevolution: What a delusional blue pill fag. Hammerhand is here to stay whether you like it or not. You and your husband King Kong Penny can shove the Faketow Dicktionary up your holes.

Shadow Monk
Shadow Monk
5 years ago

@Hammerhand: So anyway about the threats which CUCKWAUD Dictionary sent me in those huge eleven messages, So this will really outrage you but he had the audacity to make up some serious death threats towards me which I was too upset to tell you what kind of threats CUCKWAUD Dictionary had sent in those messages.


5 years ago

Another piece of shit named shadow monk. Mgtow Dictionary never said anything against Sandman, TFM, he actually advertised with them, but of course this son of a bitch likes to lie. The key is to ask around yourself. Shadow monk is trying to pull in real mgtow to fight with his fake mgtow that have been exposed. Yes, you're finished, you've been exposed, and now you're trying to cover it up with lies.

Shadow Monk
Shadow Monk
5 years ago

Yes I am that peace of shit you claim I am and you call my truths IE Evidence that you call lies + you are projecting what you’re doing unto me because you know the walls are closing in on you and you’re exposed as the Anti-MGTOW Conspirator you truly are...which the walls are closing in on you, We all know that you’re lying...Im saying that you might since it’s only a matter of if or when because you attack anybody who dare exposes you sooner or later... You have way less subs and way less likes than dislikes on your videos; That’s concrete proof right there.


5 years ago

@Shadow Monk: I stopped using the mgtow label. Hammerhand attacked and stalked me thinking I'm black. It was fucked up. These guys don't have the balls to do a live debate. Messenger rising and his fans knows hammerhand is a white nationalist. You can not be both. vegainator used to wear the mgtow label only to ended up being a white nationalist.


5 years ago

@Shadow Monk: Stupid a real mgtow knows mgtow can not be taken over. It's clear hammerhand has started a cult which he is the leader but that is not mgtow. MGTOW has no leader, each man is going his own way so it's impossible to anything you claim unless it's a cult you belong to. It's clear you belong to a cult.


5 years ago
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