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Congress Proposes The Shipyard Act | Better Call Sal
Shipyard Act <br> <br>What's Going on With Shipping? <br>May 7, 2023 <br> <br>In this episode, Sal Mercogliano - maritime historian at Campbell University (@campbelledu) and former merchant mariner - discusses Senator Roger Wicker's proposed addition of The Shipyard Act to the National Defense Authorization Bill. <br> <br>#navy #shipyard #shipbuilding #china #taiwan #pacific #Russia <br> <br>00:00 Introduction <br>01:08 Senator Wicker Speech Introduction <br>04:58 Alfred Thayer Mahan <br>07:35 Chinese Navy & Shipbuilding <br>13:47 US Navy Failed to Keep Up <br>23:29 How To Get Naval Assets Faster <br>28:09 Navy Frigates Now <br>33:50 New Navy Patrol Craft & Mobile Bases <br>38:08 Wicker's Shipyard Act <br>39:02 Modern Mariner Program <br>47:37 Senator Wicker's Conclusion <br>51:18 Conclusion <br> <br>Support What's Going on With Shipping via: <br>Patreon: <br>Twitter: @mercoglianos <br>Facebook: @wgowshipping <br>Email: [email protected] <br> <br>Senator Wicker Advocates For US Shipyard Act <br> <br> <br>Wicker Delivers Floor Speech on Navy, China, Deterrence <br> <br> <br>Philly Shipyard Lays Keel for Third National Training Ship <br> <br> <br>Navy Force Structure and Shipbuilding Plans: Background and Issues for Congress <br> <br> <br>China Naval Modernization: Implications for U.S. Navy Capabilities—Background and Issues for Congress <br>https://crsreports.congress.go....v/product/pdf/RL/RL3
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2 years ago
very last bit, Irish Chang's "The Rape of Nanking" is a deep book. She supposedly suicided in her early 30s, but she also claimed to being harassed & stalked by Crazy Investigative Assholes & the like. Japan's during WW2 secret "Tanaka Monument" as she wrote, was intended to dominate the whole world, & they were quite assholy to the Chinese as is well documented, & thus the title of the book. (side note: John Rabe, a de facto Nazi working in Nanjing, saved over 300k civilian lives during the RoN. There's to this day a statue of him there in tribute, though he died in penury, maligned as a bad guy Nazi, in his homeland. The movie in German by his name is worth buying a copy of. Steve Buschemi plays Dr. Reynolds of Rabe's team of life savers). So the stopping of Japan was important to the West. However, the documentary Hellstorm about the Allied Forces' horrible imo war crimes against Germany, specifically referencing the criminal destruction of Dresden and slaughter of 3/4 Million helpless Germans, makes me ashamed right now to be American, that is, along with our current state of moral rot. God help us. We're in for a big spanking & it's warranted.
2 years ago
good vid, thanks
2 years ago
"...we should be building more of these etc....". That's only true if the currently Satanic USA were not actively attacking & murdering its own citizenry. It's clear at this point that our government has no intention of protecting or preserving anything of America. I'm half way to thinking Catastrophe Theory is known and no longer theory & the government knows shit's gonna naturally/cosmically/temporally end, & not of human accord & they are unable to respond effectively. Or maybe Trump really is POTUS & the military really does have things in hand. I'm not sure which scenario is more believable.
2 years ago
@ 38:10, so vanity of the Admirals is why these boats are not used more often? They want bigger platforms? Really? what small-dick energy is that? What pussies. I'm just a musician & that makes me ill.
2 years ago
Sean T Hansen's channel has a really cool vid on the P Boat's construction & design. I didn't search for the vid, but here's a link to his cool channel