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Conservatives Are EXTREMELY Close To Getting A Convention Of States And Amending The Constitution

36 Views • 08/02/22
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2 years ago

Actually, we haven't been a Republic under the Constitution since 1860. Thanks to the Jewish actions that brought about the Civil War, the resulting total bankruptcy, and reorganization under the Organic Act of 1871, the U.S. Constitution was reduced to a suggestion to (((TPTB))) on how to structure the visible government and carry out its purported functions. IT HAS NO BINDING POWER on the U.S. Government and certainly has very limited power over the Alphabet Agencies.

When episodes of strife and societal destabilization were brought on by Jews over the past century, calls for a new Constitution were made. In response, it was argued that the current political leaders were incapable of creating a new Constitution. The old one, as established by the Founding Fathers, may be old and impotent but, it's the only anchor we have. It's the only thing we can pretend that matters because it connects us back to the beginning. Now we don't even pretend that it matters.

Thanks to evil filthy DEMON JEWS, not even the old appeals to the Constitution matter anymore. The Founding Fathers could not have foreseen the demographic destruction of the body-politic by importing millions of mud people and the equally horrific disaster of Universal Suffrage. The Sheeple don't grasp that the Founding Fathers were influenced by the victory of the Renaissance and the abundance of intellectual leadership at the time. The FF's tried to anticipate rogues and rascals in high office but, they failed. The FF's made the two biggest errors and planted the seeds of our destruction. The DEMON JEWS weaponized those lofty declarations and destroyed us with them:

"We The People" and "All men are created equal" Those two simple statements set us up for destruction.

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