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Contemplating Quality of Life Choices is Different to Suicide

18 Views • 07/07/22


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Telling that "Dumb Cunt" to fuck off cheered me up no end... LOL
(Not all) Women are idiots. (But plenty of them ARE).

It's called setting boundaries - when the "Cliche speaking idiot" decides to "Flow Chart" at you - they are not dealing with anything intelligently - they are just reading off a scripted set of responses.

It's disingenuous at best and insulting at worst.

And when you go off script - it derails them.

However back to this issue, I have plenty of room for improvement and there are lots of things I can do to improve my situation.

I have been making lots of shitty self compromising choices, and it's time to make ALL better ones.

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2 years ago

Damn, that woman just won’t quit talking. I guess I can’t relate very well to her situation.

2 years ago

Maybe this helps: Here's what keeps me from self-deletion:

#1) Very few if any people will actually care if I do it, so there isn't the "I'll show you" aspect that some hope for

2) Some may even secretely WANT that I do it so they can get whatever I assets I may have, or if they are a jew they probably will be happy that another Goy killed himself. So I say to myself, don't let these mother f*ckers win, they didn't help me, so I'm not going to let them "win".

3) The religious Christian aspect of it, which you may or may not believe in but it does prevent that issue, generally. Even AA, like the video you posted, relies on a higher power to get the drunks sober.

You have one of the most valuable things in your life left, and that is deciding what to do with what is left of your life (much of what's left anyway, some things will always be out of your control). Not a lot of people understand the power of this, especially as you get closer to the end, you can theoretically take more risk than you otherwise would. Anyway, what may help is finding something that you have an interest in, whether it's uploading MGTOW content, researching red-pilled topics, travel, etc.

During the lockdown, I did a deep dive into the JQ, as I was already pretty much aware of all the female tricks, it was time to learn about the jew ones. Now I can see things so much more clearly, and why InfiniteMushroom, Amr, and myself see eye to eye on many things jew-related. Anyway, whatever it takes. Maybe even take up walking/hiking/light weight lifting to slowly build your body back up if you're up for it.


plus there are days where I am just so fucking tired... just exhausted... and you are right EXERCISE is a great cure for depressive mindsets and other things..... I am responsible for MOST of the fuck ups I have created - A copy paste addition. Thanks for the support - PARTLY where I am and why I am this way is kind of by a) Accidents, b) My own doing, and c) Failing to do what it takes to correct things - before they progress.... AND there are times when I am climbing into bed at night where I am just SO exhausted and the future seems BLEAK - that sometimes I am considering my options..... BUT most of the options look pretty good, IF I work towards resolving them, just like everyone else has too....

2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Yes, all understandable. I forgot to add one thing, sometimes it also helps me to log on to mgtow tv, or similar sites. I haven't commented in a while, but since I viewed this as a somewhat emergency, i decided to post. Another story that may help: I was sick and bedridden a few years ago with a mysterious illness (I think possibly caused by my time living with an ex-girlfriend). Even though I somewhat "recovered" from the initial illness, and leaving her, I still felt like absolute HELL for the next 7-8 months. I changed my diet up to go more of a grain free option (rice still okay), and I slowly improved over time. You can also try intermittent fasting as well, but be aware it can screw with your emotions while you are losing weight (mind does strange things when it is hungry). I hope this helps, and I hope it is better advice than the feminist gave you on the phone, lol. A low carb diet will reduce inflamation as well, but I wouldn't go too crazy on the meat.


2 years ago

IMO a lot of unbearable misery comes from external inputs that are telling you what would make you happy but then block you from achieving those things. Being alone in the middle of the crowd is also a torment.

Speaking from my own experience, if you can get a job where you are semi independent and have very little exposure to people, then that might give a man a sense of accomplishment that he can also claim. I remember when I was younger, in a shit job, and seeing a guy on a tractor; mowing miles and miles of highway median and thinking how awesome that job would be.

He’s running his show by himself, got his headset on and probably listening to mgtow content, and can see the good job he did on the way back to the shop. The kind of job that a suicidal man or doomer might find solace in doing.

BTW I’ve already got the perfect mgtow black pill job where I’m almost independent. I’ve been in Public Works for almost 20 years and I only work with a small group of men who know their stuff. If I didn’t have a job like that and had to deal with the fucking public, I probably might be suicidal.


LOL - thanks.... I choose to "cop out" and "run away" instead of dealing with things full on then and there and so the back log of things to work though - builds up and up and up and up - and it NEVER goes away. I am responsible for this. Time to change.


2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I edited my comment while you replied. I’ll keep listening to the video but I had to jump in after 5 minutes. As a black piller, I know better than to believe that I am the master of my fate and can do what I want. While my job kept me just outside of depression , I just got lucky over the past 5-6 years and have fantastic neighbors finally. That really makes anybody feel good and gets any ideas of suicide out of my head. I don’t know what job you have but something that lets you be creative would help. Even if it’s mowing grass for hours while listening to stuff that you like.


@InfiniteMushroom: Thanks for the support - PARTLY where I am and why I am this way is kind of by a) Accidents, b) My own doing, and c) Failing to do what it takes to correct things - before they progress.... AND there are times when I am climbing into bed at night where I am just SO exhausted and the future seems BLEAK - that sometimes I am considering my options..... BUT most of the options look pretty good, IF I work towards resolving them, just like everyone else has too....

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