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COVID Mini-VID- 5 FINAL no 6 umbrella

23 Views • 06/10/20

⁣We feel that it's important to not spread fear during this unprecedented time. We spent a couple of weeks at our cabin during the C---D craze. This is how we survived the v-$@*

Thank you to all family, neighbors and pets who have been there with us

Our Story – At the end of Feb/ beginning of March 2018, YouTube Terminated our main channel without cause giving us 3 strikes within 24 hours.

We had no recourse to dispute the violations which were based on 3 videos from 2016. They stated we violated Community Guidelines by bullying and harassing. You can watch those 3 videos here on BitChute

The Outcome - We lost 70,000 Subscribers, 1,100 videos and approximately $2000 per month in ad revenue that day.
After months of appeals, while other channels were being reinstated, ours never was and is still terminated till this day. So, we started rebuilding from scratch and worked our back up channel VLTV.

We were growing very quickly however, when we were just shy of 30,000 subscribers, they started unsubbing folks and shadow-banning the entire channel (not just specific videos).

Coincidently, holding us under 30,000 subscribers disqualifies us from YouTube’s Paid Subscriber Program which allows subscribers to support our work directly through YouTube… Seems a bit suspicious, doesn’t it?

We now barely make $100 per month on ad revenue and reach a very small audience so decided to start up a 3rd channel (RidRad) as it appears VLTVs days are numbered.

Angie and I work very hard across several platforms, conducting interviews and providing daily reports. Our compensation for our effort is quite negligible. We would love to serve people full time but we are not independently wealthy so we do need to generate an income.

We are not looking to get rich --- We just want to continue doing what we love and position ourselves to be able to pay our bills and prepare for retirement.

Additionally, we have started supporting our subscribers and guests through tithing on what little income we are currently generating.

Bottom line is – We love what we do. Our desire is to continue searching for truth and serving our brothers and sisters in whatever capacity we are able. God Willing.

If you would like to support the work that Angie & I do, please consider the following ways

Monthly Support through Patreon - www.Patreon.Com/RidRad
One Time PayPal Donation - email [email protected]

Support us and Yourself at the same time (Our Favorite Method )

Please visit our Healthy Place Botanical Site for Essential Oils, Hemp, CBD Products and much more here

If you shop through Amazon - Click our link and we will get a small commission and you still get great prices

We have also started selling high quality Colloidal Silver at very competitive pricing. Please email me if you are interested at [email protected]

Lastly, we are working on a lot of new projects concerning EMF awareness and protection. We will soon be offering classes and EMF shielding products.

We are excited about this new venture.

Bottom line folks is that we are struggling through this horrible censorship. It is impacting our ability to make a living doing what we love.

BUT WE will NOT give up. We know that ultimately, GOD our Father is in control. So, we remain patient, humble and obedient to our Creator and to His will as we press on.

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support.

With Love to all of you, our Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Jim & Angie

Our Facebook Links

Bitchute - VLTV Mirror Non YouTube Platform
Twitter - @TheFreedom2Live

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5 Comments sort Sort By
5 years ago

a lot of ppl don't really know this. but the mgtow lifestyle is pretty minimalist and we are usually pretty good with not living paycheck to paycheck or being dependent on others or even welfare. so in many ways we were fully prepared when the lock down happened.

we try to help young men in various ways such as teaching basic economics the best way we know how and to live a minimal lifestyle and how to avoid being in debt and to learn how to take care of our selves.

we aren't exactly a preppier community but some of us have these skills and try to teach what it is to be a man as many men were raised by women without a father in the house or raised by the state and went through some pretty shitty circumstances in life.

the hope is to get the message through these up and coming men that they are mostly on their own and we try to prepare them with the skills to succeed in their personal life as well prepare them for the future and what it holds for them.

5 years ago

how in the hell did you guy's get taken off of bitchute btw?
i thought that website was immune?

5 years ago

it's really to bad you guy's didn't come here before your purge. i can see your still on youtube and patreon so not all is bad.

5 years ago

We didn't get taken off Bitchute. We still have a channel there: We did get taken off Daily Motion, with ZERO strikes, ZERO notification, and ZERO explanation. Right after we posted an interview with the lawyer and forensic psychiatrist to Melody Bannister.

5 years ago

@VLTV: oh ok. so i guess the link in the description was wrong or something? i was getting a "page does not exist" message.

5 years ago

the fact they were preventing ppl from going outside was bullshit. as that's where most of the fresh air is found, not to mention the air in your house being passed around is rarely swapped out. so many other details the news talked about were suspicious and so incorrect, and any who tried to talk on youtube or other social media websites were blocking anyone from knowing the truth or getting alternative facts.

5 years ago

you guys were mostly in good with youtube up until this point. most channels here on this website were censored and demonetized long ago. and some were only getting like $20 bucks a month when they were monetized.

as far as i'm aware this website allows monetization immediately. but in order to make good money off of any of it we need the numbers as the website owner is paying for it mostly on his own except with the help of google ads. he would rather not use google, but for a website that is new it's tough to stay afloat which is why the featured option is there. but it's not bad for the price of free speech.

sure you might run into content you don't personally like on this website, but it's important to protect free speech at all costs as this is how we will continue to exist in the same space. something youtube facebook twitter abandoned long ago.

everyone is bending the knee these days it seems. but there are many who want to use websites like this to create competition to big tech platforms.

anyway it was great watching your little journey into your escape from covid, most of us just stayed inside our houses, and then found out after the fact that the virus wasn't as bad as reported especially when you consider the deaths that were due to car accidents were reported as covid cases simply because it was within their system when they died instead of the latter cause.

now it was effecting the older ppl in the rest homes mostly because it was ppl with pre-existing conditions that were mostly dying from it like the common flu kills the elderly every year.

5 years ago

The channel you see on Youtube is our SECOND channel. Our first one was from 2015 and we had about 75K subscribers when YT suddenly gave us 3 strikes in less than 24 hours and completely deleted our channel. We had most of it backed up on Bitchute, but we had to start completely over from scratch. As we were doing that, I went ahead and built us a Roku channel, as well, and that platform has worked out well.

5 years ago

@VLTV: huh. i had no idea roku had that capability.

5 years ago

sorry for the comment spamming, i have the tendency to get involved way too much sometimes.

5 years ago

just letting you know your link to your CBD products is not working and my browser says the site is not secure.

and your amazon link also seems to be censored or removed as it goes to the website but i'm getting a page cannot be found.

5 years ago

it looks like your bitchute website is also a "not found"

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