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Crowds gather for funeral of protester killed in clashes with Israeli forces in Hebron
Palestinians have gathered en masse for the funeral of Ahmed Al-Atrash, 29, who was shot and killed during clashes with Israeli forces in Hebron on Friday.
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3 years ago
One of the most important things to do to defeat the Zionist entity (in the eyes of the public) is to deny it its right to call itself "Israel". They cannot make a legitimate claim to be the descendants of Jacob and his twelve sons. The reason for this is all found within the Bible, if people would only read it. Basically, the people who also lived upon the land with the Israelites; the Canaanites, Assyrian settlers (post 722 BC), Babylonian settlers (post 586 BC), and finally the Edomites (post 150 BC), inherited the Abrahamic Covenant. But these people were not the descendants of Jacob. We have a bunch of Canaanites going around considering themselves Israelites. YHWH commanded that the Canaanites be wiped out....
Christianity has a bucket list of problems also, including idol worship, cowardice, infinity forgiveness, and delusional belief systems.